Edgar Allan Poe(埃德加・爱伦坡,1809―1849),美国小说家、诗人,批评家。代表作除了本题中提到的The Fall of the House of Usher(《鄂榭府崩溃记》),还有小说 The Haunted Places(《怪诞故事集》)等。Charles Dickens(查尔斯・狄更斯,1812―1870)是英国现实主义作家,代表作有 David Copperfield(《大卫・...
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Edgar Allan Poe(埃德加·爱伦·坡)简介 坡在很小的时候就成了孤儿,由艾伦家收养,并在弗吉尼亚州与他们一起长大。在大学和军队辍学后,他成为当时第一批以出版作品为生的作家之一,但他一生都有很多经济和精神困难。他于1849年去世是一场备受争议的悲剧——酒精、自杀、肺结核和许多其他事情都被认为是原因。
作者:Edgar Allan Poe (published 1839) 译者:CaptainSnafu (未经允许,禁止转载) Son coeur est un luth suspendu; Sitot qu'on le touche il resonne. -De Beranger. 他心即悬琴,一触回鸣。 —贝朗瑞 DURING the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the ...
作者Edgar Allan Poe 类别出版 / 虚构 出版社豆瓣阅读/2015-07 提供方公版书 字数约 7,000 字 7.810 人评价 免费免费电子书无需购买,可直接阅读全文 加载中,请稍候…… 作品简介 The tale opens with the unnamed narrator arriving at the house of his friend, Roderick Usher, having received a letter ...
The horrors of the Spanish Inquisition, with its dungeon of death, and the overhanging gloom on the House of Usher demonstrate unforgettably the unique imagination of Edgar Allan Poe. Unerringly, he touches upon some of our greatest nightmares - premature burial, ghostly transformation and words fr...
作者:Edgar Allan Poe (published 1839) 译者:CaptainSnafu (未经允许,禁止转载) Our books --the books which, for years, had formed no small portion of the mental existence of the invalid --were, as might be supposed, in strict keeping with this character of phantasm. We pored together over ...