世嘉公司今日宣布,经典另类射击游戏《死亡打字员》系列的最新作《死亡打字员:过度杀戮(The Typing of the Dead:Overkill)》登陆STEAM平台以及世嘉公司自己的SEGA Digital Store商店。 说起《死亡打字员》,那是街机光枪射击游戏《死亡之屋》的姐妹篇,名气没有后者大的原因是因为街机厅里不可能摆俩键盘让你敲。青葱岁月...
1.to serve as a typical example of; exemplify:a hero who typified courage. 2.to serve as a symbol or emblem of; symbolize:The dog appropriately typifies loyalty. [1625–35] typ`i•fi•ca′tion,n. typ′i•fi`er,n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K...
呆头呆脑的女主角 《死亡打字员:完杀》还附带了完整的《死亡之屋:完杀(The House of the Dead:Overkill)》,即最传统意义上的《死亡之屋》。如果玩家对敲累了键盘,还可以换上鼠标、手柄或者光线枪与僵尸们来一次经典对决。已经习惯了用键盘和僵尸们“理论”的玩家们恐怕会发现,自己手中的手枪完全没有键盘威力强大...
a.Of or relating to a home, especially to one's household or house:home cooking; home furnishings. b.Taking place in the home:home care for the elderly. 2.Of, relating to, or being a place of origin or headquarters:the home office. ...
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42.【C】Some think voice could soon take ove from typing and clicking as the main way to interact online. 43.【G】 But building thes pokenwe-web-to veiceand-voice-to-web-isn't straight for ward. 44.【E】 Yet knowing when it's going to rain is vital for farmers wanting to sow ...
the plot below represents the change in predicted house price as the latitude changes. Vertical dispersion at a single value of latitude represents interaction effects with other features. To help reveal these interactions we can color by another feature. If we pass the whole explanation tensor to...
Delete to the end of the current line Simple text editing with Vim Swap values Put the months in order Change part of a function name in multiple occurrences Basic renumbering move titles next to url, in quotes Team names Collect List convert yml into java pojo field Array transposition V to...
Steven wants to buy a Chinese painting to decorate his new house, so he goes into an antique shop. 史蒂文想买一幅中国画来装饰新居,所以他进了一家古董店。 A: Good morning, sir, could I be of any service to you? 早上好先生,有什么能为您服务的?