但在新维加斯这里,一切看起来竟然和战前别无二致:人们依旧衣冠楚楚地在风月场进进出出,喷吐着酒气在赌桌面前一掷千金,仿佛外面的末日景象对他们而言只是一个梦境,只有大街上踉踉跄跄的醉酒NCR士兵还有那随处可见的警卫机器人才能让人们重新想起,此地亦确系废土无疑。 作为极少数——如果不是唯一一个——真正见证...
The House Always Wins 房子总是赢家 The House Always Wins 房子总是赢家
1. 庄家永远是赢家 ...是在战前还是战后,有关赌场的这条定律从未被打破:“庄家永远是赢家(The House Always Wins)。”豪斯先生,正如他姓 … club.tgfcer.com|基于3个网页 2. 这个是有个典故的 超缓慢更新之英... ...The House always wins这个是有个典故的,不过是美国节目里的,咱不是太了,期待在美同...
学一句英语口语:The house (almost) always wins买的没有卖的精 中文里有“买的没有卖的精”一说,英语里也有The house (almost) always wins(庄家几乎总是赢,庄家总是只赚不赔,你玩不过庄家的)。我们在语境中可以用这两句英汉...
Why Do People Gamble If the House Always Wins? People gamble for fun and because there is a possibility, however small, of winning some money. Most bettors are aware that the house holds an edge. However, they often misunderstand just how big that edge actually is. ...
学一句英语口语:The house (almost) always wins买的没有卖的精 中文里有“买的没有卖的精”一说,英语里也有The house (almost) always wins(庄家几乎总是赢,庄家总是只赚不赔,你玩不过庄家的)。我们在语境中可以用这两句英汉语互为表达对方意思: ...
The House Always Wins: Don Barden Rolled the Dice When He Anted Up Millions for a Las Vegas Casino. It Turned out to Be a Sure Bet. (B.E. Company of the Year)Sounds of electronic bells, buzzes, pings, and zaps fill the air as Don H. Barden strides along...Hughes, Alan...