The film begins with British writer Virginia Woolf (Nicole Kidman) putting stones inside her pockets before drowning herself (in real life, she walked in to the River Ouse on 28th March 1941). Laura Brown (Julianne Moore) lives in 1951 in a wealthy Los Angeles suburb. Her husband, Dan Bro...
The Hours: Directed by Stephen Daldry. With Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Meryl Streep, Stephen Dillane. The story of how the novel "Mrs. Dalloway" affects three generations of women, all of whom, in one way or another, have had to deal with suicide in
上映时间2002年12月18日(美国)导演 史蒂芬·戴德利 又名此时·此刻 小说人生 岁月如歌 The Hours 编剧 迈克尔·康宁汉戴维·黑尔 主演 妮可·基德曼朱丽安·摩尔梅丽尔·斯特里普斯蒂芬·迪兰米兰达·理查森 剧情 这是三个女人的故事,虽然处于不同的时空,却都渴求更有意义的生活。除了各自的恐惧与渴望,... 获奖 ...
THE HOURS (2002) – AFI Movie Club Featuring stunning performances from AFI Life Achievement Award honoree Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman – soon to be the 49th recipient of the AFI Life Achievement Award –director Stephen Daldry’s THE HOURS (2002) was recognized in the year...
Instead, I am left with deep melancholy and sorrow, for the filmmakers, that they should wish to make such a film, and for the critical establishment that has largely embraced it. The acclaim is not unwarranted, in a sense. Technically, I find The Hours to be one of the best executed ...
The Hours 喜欢听"The Hours (Music From The Motion Picture)"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· A Single Man 9.5 Atonement 9.0 Bleu: Bande Originale Du Film 9.2 The English Patient 9.0 The Piano 9.1 Eternity and a Day 9.5 Hable Con Ella 9.1 Double Life of Veronika OST 9.5 Trois Couleu...
劇情簡介 With the exception of the opening and final scenes, which depict Virginia Woolf's (Nicole Kidman) 1941 suicide by drowning in the River Ouse, the action takes place within the span of a single day in three different years, and alternates among them throughout the film. In 1923, ...
Dalloway, Michael Cunningham wrote The Hours over 75 years later. Now The Hours has been made into a film, the result of an inspired collaboration by some of the most creative and accomplished talents working in film today. Published in 1998, Michael Cunningham's The Hours was hailed as a ...
The Hours is the original soundtrack album, on the Elektra/Nonesuch label, of the 2002 film The Hours, starring Nicole Kidman (who won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Virginia Woolf in this film), Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore. The original score was composed by Phili...
The Hours(2002) 38 quotes ★★★☆ (4 votes) Add something Mistakes Quotes Trivia Corrections Ending Trailer F**k Marry Kill More Movie Quote Quiz Laura Brown: It would be wonderful to say you regretted it. It would be easy. But what does it mean? What does it mean to regret when...