The Horrors的专辑Strange House凭借其独特魅力获得了音乐评论界的高度评价。The Guardian和Vice给出了五星满分,NME给予了7/10的评分,而MOJO则给出了接近满分的四星赞誉。这张专辑融合了黑暗美学,哥德式黑渍与庞克音色,营造出野兽般的狂放频率和令人毛骨悚然的氛围。制作团队由金牌制作人Alan Moulder(M...
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The Horrors are a band from Southend on Sea, England formed in 2005. They released their debut album Strange House, which reached number 37 on the UK Albums Chart in 2007. Their second album Primary Colours was released in 2009 and reached number 25 in the UK. Their third album "Skying"...
The Horrors Strange House (Loog)Nigel Gould
When the Horrors came to build their own studio, they were keen for there to be a single large space that could house all their ARP 2600s and [EMS] VCS3s. I was quite into the Radiophonic Workshop at the time so to see a VCS3 was like, 'Whoa, what's that?' Gett...
Draw Japan - The Horrors Album:Strange House Butcher the paper with a ravenous pen Carving out trees and scoring skin Animals too placed in plastic cages Carted around these filthy pages I will draw Japan I will draw Japan Spectres holding sceptres with fingers thin Empty vessels...
莎莎真的好高啊,我要开始的时候还踮起来脚了,然后他的动作还是首长问好,太蠢逼了。然后我突然想起来我的手机壳是友邻yoyo自己画的strange house时期的horrors,我说莎莎你给我签手机壳好嘛,这个是我朋友自己画的,莎莎就在上面乱画了一气。 之前Kei抽烟没火了,要借火,莎莎说你要火啊我有啊,然后莎莎给Kei点烟...
比如The Horrors的迷幻转型之作Primary Colours发行于2009年,比这波大潮时间略早,但The Horrors也被归...
The Horrors几乎可以说是这五年内出道最优秀的英国乐队,他们的处女作《Strange House》就证明了这一点,庞克的暴虐、痉挛、抽搐,摩登的简约、冷酷、准确,秀异的谱曲能力,新作《Primary Colours》在他们投身了XL Recordings后,完全将这些优点集于一身,先辈诸仙诸贤如Velvet Underground、Joy Division、Birthday Party、My...