The former reviews maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis during fetal life, infancy and childhood, and adolescence, concluding with mechanisms that underlie the normal adult ovulatory cycle. The regulation section reviews factors controlling the onset of puberty, regulation of gonadotropin ...
The recent described sex- and gender-related disparities in morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 infection opened to a renewed interest on the sexual dimorphism in viral infection that affect the respiratory system [1, 21].Finding the pathogenetic mechanisms that underlie these differences could help...
When combined with demographic data, measuring the physiological changes that underlie dispersal timing among female bonobos provides further insights into their dispersal strategies. For primates, puberty starts with reactivating the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, inhibited by the central nervous...
The ability of ovarian hormones to regulate GABAAR subunit composition and alter their function, pharmacology, and GABA-gated current is another mechanism that could lead to changed neuro- transmission. Predominantly, these hormonal changes are drastic in females during puberty, through the men- str...
that progesterone levels in females influence post-concussion recovery.47Hormonal changes during puberty that contribute to migraine headaches might also contribute to sex differences in concussion recovery. Migraine headaches are up to fourfold more common in females than in males after puberty,48,49and...
Interestingly, our data suggest that female CA1 PV-IN coupling to locomotion is not rigid and can be modulated. In line with the prominent plasticity of PV-IN population, blockade of estradiol synthesis increases the response of PV-INs to changes in animal speed. This suggests that local ...
hormone (GH) mediate pubertal mammary gland growth via estrogen [145,146,147]. Thus, Shanmugalingam et al. [142]hypothesized that elevated IGF-1/estrogen during puberty and stromal expressed IGF-1 may promote second breast cancer development, progression and metastasis by inhibiting apoptosis and ...
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of weaning and changing post-weaning diet composition on growth patterns and growth- related hormonal profiles in neonatal pigs. Forty-eight crossbred piglets were assigned to two groups (n=24/group) based on weaning at 2 or 3 wk of ...
In parallel with the hormonal and biological changes associated with puberty, adolescence is a time of profound psychological and social transformation. During adolescence, the social world and the peer interactions it enables become increasingly important. Compared with children (aged <10 years), adoles...
sex differences in pre-pubertal gene expression have been revealed using qPCR in mouse and rat pituitary glands [9,17] and by RNA-seq in juvenile mouse gonadotropes [18]. While these studies suggest that some sex differences in pituitary gene regulation are established prior to puberty, we st...