Wario is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, designed to be an arch-rival to Mario. He is a muscular, hot-tempered, obese, and greedy character, usually playing the role of an anti-hero or an antagonist; he has also gone on to become...
lower guide bearing s lower hemiall-around lower high water lower himalaya lower horizontal sect lower hsia-chia-tien lower labial fistula lower labor strength lower limi lower limit of audibi lower link joint lower lip lower lip obliquely s lower middle class ec lower modified limit lower motor...
n honing machine n horizontal rudderhy n hot filter n hydraulic current n h hostess n ice load n inclusion n incomplete thread p n inflatable liferaft n inhibitor n initial cost n king bolt n kokamirica n latent heat n latitude by pole st n leveling pipe n line-throwing appli n living...
A board game of Chinese origin in which two players take turns placing counters on the points formed by the intersection of 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines. [Japanese, of Chinese origin, possibly from Early Middle Chinese gı̷ (also the source of Mandarin qí).] American Heritage®...
Data are presented as Tukey multiple comparison of means: The horizontal line within each box is the median, the bottom and top of the box are lower and upper quartiles, and the whiskers are minimum and maximum values. P-values were determined by two-tailed Student’s t-test (unpaired),...
Posterior density plots of pairwise contrasts between the green and the urban scenes (outdoor and indoor). For each parameter estimate the dot represents the median, and horizontal bars represent then 66% (thick) and 95% (thin) credible intervals. ...
State probability ratios between completion and non-completion (reference non-completion), the horizontal line of value 1 indicates equal probability Full size image In Fig. 6, we find that completing general studies increases the probability of being in education the first year of follow-up by ...
Plots of genetic-by-physical distances (MareyMap). Comparison of v1.0 and v2.0 physical distances (Mb, in the horizontal axis) and PxF genetic distances (cM, in the vertical axis). Dots represent the mapped markers. The vertical bars indicate the putative position of the centromere. The soli...
aManhattan plot showing the fixed effects meta-analysispvalues for the association between aggressive behavior and DNA methylation level based on the meta-analysis of peripheral blood. The blue horizontal line denotes the FDR-threshold (5%) and the red line indicates the Bonferroni threshold.bEffects...
The continuous increase in urbanization has been perceived as a major threat for biodiversity, particularly within tropical regions. Urban areas, however, may still provide opportunities for conservation. In this study focused on Macao (China), one of th