钻石是多少人寄托于希望的存在,但却有着这样一颗钻石被认为是恶魔般存在给人们带来谜一样的悲惨与厄运,它就是世界知名的希望钻石——The Hope Diamond! The Hope Diamon就如同大海与天空的映照,透明无暇而具深蓝色,现如今重达45.52克拉。于公元1642年从印度来到了法国,也就开始了它神奇而富有戏剧性的经历。 (请跟...
在一众著名的钻石中,有一颗深蓝色的钻石格外地“突出”——它既有着罕见的美丽颜色,也有一个积极且正能量的名字,却不知为何,被世人冠以“诅咒之钻”的名号。 没错,可能已经有人猜到了,这颗无声高唱着“我们不一样”的钻石,就是大名鼎鼎的希望钻石,The Hope Diamond。 很多人知道希望钻石,是从《泰坦尼克号》...
anniversary, the museum is showing the forty-five carat(克拉) blue diamond for the first time without its usual setting. Visitors can now see the Hope diamond in all its natural beauty. The Hope diamond has a long and rich history. It was formed over a billion years ago far beneath the...
[1]“History of the Hope Diamond”. Smithsonian Education. http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/students/secrets_of_the_smithsonian/history_hope_diamond.html [2]“Hope Diamond”. Smithsonian Natural Museum of Natural History. http://mineralsciences.si.edu/collections/hope/timeline.htm#!1668 [3]Sta...
The Hope 希望之鑽 此鑽石在17世紀出產於印度,鋼青色,45.52 carats,原石為 112 carats,世界最大的深藍色鑽石。 原石圖 1910年 hope 此石後來由印度非法偷運到法國,被賣給法王路易十六後被切割成 67.50 carats 梨形鑽。路易十六繼承這枚鑽石不久就被大革命送上了斷頭台。此后鑽石不知去向。后來荷蘭鑽石技師法爾斯...
The public can see the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. (1) By saying the underlined part in Paragraph 2 the researchers mean the blue diamond . A.was formed in extreme weather B.has a very complex forming history C.has a far-reachin...
The Hope Diamond Mystery (1921) - Goofs on IMDb - bloopers, mistakes, errors in continuity, plot holes, anachronisms, spoilers and more.
Grace Darmond,演员,参演电影《The Song of Life》《神秘的希望之钻》《隐形离婚》《The Shielding Shadow》。 波利斯·卡洛夫波利斯·卡洛夫,男,是一名演员。代表作品有《科曼的世界》等。 Carmen PhillipsCarmen Phillips,演员,主要作品《逍遥骑士》、《暗杀游戏》、《别着急,我们会想出片名的》。 William Marion...
The Hope Diamond has a long and rich history. It was formed over a billion years ago far beneath the Earth's surface. Its rare blue color comes from small amounts of the element boron. The stone was discovered in a mine in India during the 17th century. It was more than one hundred...