首先我们需要介绍一下the homebrew launcher是什么? the homebrew launcher简称HBL,是国外黑客smea等人发起的一个项目,该项目可以让用户在自己的3ds上运行自制软件,并拓展3ds的功能,但是开发团队不支持盗版行为,因此HBL并不能玩rom。 送TA礼物 1楼2017-03-17 15:58回复 ...
The Homebrew Launcher for 3DS is an application that manages the homebrew applications and keeps the apps organized in a central place. Why install it? With a homebrew capable 3DS you can do many things. A few of them being: Run homebrew games such as Aperture Science 3D and 3DSCraft ...
请问the home..请教各位前辈几个问题 准备拿我的小三去破解A9了 在此请教平辈们几个问题 1破解后的a9口袋妖怪系列是不是网战精灵名字得英文不然会ban 2正版卡带可否传到破解的版本(有两台机器)传过来破解版本的Pm
The Homebrew Launcher (hbmenu for short) is the main menu used to list and launch homebrew applications. It is essentially a graphical shell around an existing homebrew loading mechanism. The following entrypoints are supported: Luma3DS Rosalina(recommended): Works on all system versions from 4.0 ...
0回复贴,共1页 <返回3ds破解吧the homebrew launcher如何桌面显示 只看楼主收藏回复 手机狂想曲 破解大神 13 找不到安装包,不知道如何才能这样桌面显示内置的需要后台设置吗? 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-07-17 22:16回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规...
11回复贴,共1页 <返回3ds破解吧不用sky卡进入the homebrew launcher 只看楼主收藏回复 烂鱼冲漱 破解高手 11 成功进入后,怎么只有一个选项啊 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-12-28 22:56回复 叽吧叽 程序猿 9 你是怎么做到无卡进的?我的老是显示安装失败 来自Android客户端2楼2015-12-28 22:...
The Homebrew Launcher (hbmenu for short) is the main menu used to list and launch homebrew applications. It is essentially a graphical shell around an existing homebrew loading mechanism. The following entrypoints are supported: Luma3DS Rosalina(recommended): Works on all system versions from 4.0 ...
the homeb..为什么我弄的时候就一个选项啊。是不是没发挽救啦破到一半,发现工具不全求工具,求链接尴尬,还是要自食其力什么鬼
While there are no details out yet, Nintendo has said they have arevised version of the Switchthey plan to launch this year. It is supposed to be smaller so as to emphasize portability. The hope is, no doubt, to get the remaining Nintendo 3DS/2DS users to consider it as an option. ...
This method of accessing the Homebrew Launcher takes advantage of some browser oversights in the native 3DS Internet Browser. If you already have a current method of accessing the Homebrew Launcher, you should follow [HBL-Slottool](installing-boot9strap-(HBL-Slottool)) ...