How Does the Holy Spirit Change Us?SAUCY, MARK
See how the Holy Spirit in us reminds us of what Scripture says is true, and gently causes changes in our lives, to be more like Jesus. Article explains how to listen to the Holy Spirit.
Daniel Henderson:A recent study by LifeWay Research revealed that 56% of evangelical Christians believe the Holy Spirit is a force rather than a person. While I knew, biblically, that the Holy Spirit was the third person of the Trinity, some of my common words and perceptions were ...
Some people imagine that being a Christian is primarily believing certain truths and propositions. Truth and faith are involved, of course, but truth itself is not the spark of life, the breath of life. When the Holy Spirit comes into a person, he imparts the life of God and changes the...
First, this regeneration is being directly tied to us getting saved in the Lord. The words,“but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, “are definitely telling us that we are saved by God’s grace and mercy and that when...
There are those who have known the pardoning love of Christ and who really desire to be children of God, yet they realize that their character is imperfect, their life faulty, and they are ready to doubt whether their hearts have been renewed by the Holy Spirit. To such I would say, ...
we had a deep and earnest conversation about the effect of the election on our hearts, minds, and bodies. The empowering richness of that exchange, a gift of the Holy Spirit, raised us from the depths to remember our vocation as God’s friends: to plant the seeds of resurrection amid th...
40 Days Through the Prayers of Jesus: An Interview with Tim Cameron How the Holy Spirit Changes Everything: An Interview with Daniel Henderson Thinking Like An Atheist: An Interview with Anthony DeStefano Filed under Devotionals, Guest Post, Newsletter, Newsletters Tagged as JewishSearch...
aTo the glory of God, who has called us by grace; to the honour of Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us; to the praise of the Holy Spirit, who illumines and sanctifies us. 到上帝荣耀,由雍容叫我们; 到耶稣荣誉 基督,爱我们并且给自己为我们; 到圣灵的称赞, 谁照亮并且神...
Radical changes, the traces of which remain at present, also took place under the crusaders in 1130. During the eleventh to twelfth centuries the piece of excavated stone, at which the Savior had prayed on the night of His betrayal disappeared from Jerusalem. This piece of stone had been in...