This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more Got it!Christian Miracles Denville, NJ Contact Us Home Welcome How to Pray Devotional Prayers Saints Miracles Learn More The Holy Rosary ...
rosary (ˈrəʊzərɪ) n,pl-saries 1.(Roman Catholic Church)RC Church a.a series of prayers counted on a string of beads, usually consisting of five or 15 decades of Aves, each decade beginning with a Paternoster and ending with a Gloria ...
Time of Masses are: 7.00 am (E) & 8.00 pm (E). It is a day of fast & abstinence, but NOT a day of obligation. Imposition of ashes will be done after the homily. Kindly inform your friends and neighbours of the time of masses FEB 22 PAMSPEC PAMSPEC is organising a talk on ...
Prayer After The Rosary O God, whose only-begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech Thee, that, meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contai...
Makes available items requested by Our Lord and Our Lady through the ministry for the world, featuring the The Rosary of the Unborn the most powerful and ultimate weapon to end abortion.
it is an infallible mark of reprobation to have no esteem and love for the holy Virgin.” (True Devotion to Mary # 40)Regarding the Holy Rosary, Sister Lucia told Father Fuentes in a famous 1957 interview:"Look, Father, the Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has ...
Holy Rosary Secondary School Umuahia is a Mission school established by the Catholic Church in 1961. It is located at Ugwunchara Ibeku along Umuahia/Uzuakoli Road. Ana it is under Umuahia North L.G.A. OF Abia State. It was then an all-boarders girls scho
Eucharist,Eucharistic liturgy,Holy Eucharist,Liturgy,Lord's Supper,sacrament of the Eucharist sacrament- a formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Ort...
that you will profit very much by praying the holy Rosary every day. The prayer of the Rosary is the prayer of the Holy Gospel, the Good News Who is Jesus. My best piece of spiritual advice to you, no matter who you are, president or plumber, priest or king...PRAY THE ROSARY EVERY...
The Rosary of Saint John Paul II: Meditations, Prayers, and Practical Aids "Take up the Rosary once again!" Now the prayer book that contains everything you need to rediscover the Rosary by praying the way Saint John Paul II recommended. Complete with ex