In all their mission stations from the 1870s the Holy Ghost Fathers began with the buying of slaves. From these deracinated victims of the slave trade the missionaries believed that they could fashion the African evangelists of Africa. One major problem involved in evangelizing in this way (...
and holy is his name.50Andhis mercy is for those who fear himfrom generation to generation.For Mary, God is thrice dependable: GodseesMary. God does “great things”for Mary. And the mercy of God is not
Evolution and the Holy Ghost of Scopes: Can Science Lose the Next Round? "The Night I Got the Holy Ghost...": Holy Ghost Narratives and the Pentecostal Conversion Process The Holy Ghost Fathers in Eastern Nigeria, 1885-1920: Observations on Missionary Strategy ...
【胸怀】《上帝的庄严》(God’s Grandeur):“Because the Holy Ghost over the bent / World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.”“因为圣灵高于弯曲的/世界,孵育以温暖的胸怀以及啊!明亮的羽翼。”【钟】参见行136注。 248 从绵羊到收成的意象转变,参考《马太福音》9:36-38:“他看见许多...
chaire Iane father of our fathers, Zeus imperishable, chaire you ruler Zeus. (Translation of the epithets): kalligenethle = with good and beautiful children prothyraia=the one who stands before the door megasthenes=with great power Montanus, also considered himself to be the “Holy Paraclete...
Related to Holy Ghost:Holy Spirit Holy Ghost n.Christianity The Holy Spirit. [Middle Englishholi gost,holy spirit, from Old Englishhālig gāst(translation of Latinspīritus sānctus) :hālig,holy; seeholy+gāst,spirit.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copy...
Define Holy Fathers. Holy Fathers synonyms, Holy Fathers pronunciation, Holy Fathers translation, English dictionary definition of Holy Fathers. n. 1. Roman Catholic Church Used as a title and form of address for the pope. 2. Christianity Used as a form
Founding Fathers, The, n. 1. that group of crackpots who felt that the only proper roles of government were defense, money, roads, mail, and maintaining a level playing field. Fortunately, saner heads have prevailed in the intervening years, giving us the Big Brother government we enjoy ...
And I in my blindness, censured the holy Fathers, not only wherein they made use of things present as God commanded and inspired them, but also wherein they were foretelling things to come, as God was revealing in them. Can it at any time or place be unjust to love God with all ...
Fathers, an energetic order of missionaries whose name derived from their whitecassocks. The order was quite successful in East Africa; many Africans joined it, and the first modern African Catholic bishop was a White Father. Another order, theHoly Ghost Fathers, established a settlement for ...