Flexible, easy to use, and completely portable,Bibleis an excellent way to access the Holy Bible from your Android phone. What is the Bible App? In today's digital world, the YouVersion Bible App is a place where people connect with the Bible using their devices. It's on over 500 milli...
此版为免费试听版,提供200多章中文新译本国语音频朗读试听。体积较大,请确保有足够空间,并在WIFI环境下下载。如需全集,可在试听后购买。 《旧约》内容 一、律法书。5卷。犹太教总称为“妥拉”(原意为晓谕)。即《创世记》、《出埃及记》、《利未记》、《民数记》和《申命记》。
The Holy Bible King James Version free download. Get the latest version now. Study bible has 12,000 topics, parables, prophecies, maps, and book mark.
This amazing Holy Bible App is all FREE! Download it today and start reading and sharing God’s Word easily and efficiently! In the beginning, God created the…
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In-App-Käufe möglich Screenshots iPad iPhone Beschreibung 英语圣经新国际版全译本,中英简繁字幕,有声音频,英文朗读。 体积较大,请确保有足够空间,并在WIFI环境下下载。支持点读复读跟读,后台播放,线控播放,语速调节等。 Neuheiten Vorherige Aktualisierungen ...
Site last updated Sunday, February 23, 2025. View our privacy policy. The Holy Bible New International Version (NIV) Just click on the chapter number you want to read opposite the name of the book. You will be directed to The Bible Gateway website where you may read that chapter. Audio...
简称:圣经英文朗读高清有声全集The Holy Bible Pro 产品分类:应用 领域:教育,参考资料 描述:英语圣经新国际版全译本,中英简繁字幕,有声音频,英文朗读。 企业基本信息 统一社会信用代码-企业名称WEI XU 公司类型-法定代表人- 注册资本-成立日期- 营业期限自-企业期限至- ...
The Holy Bible Kid Style 电视剧 / 家庭 / 音乐 James R. Menetrey / Jamie Menetrey / Chris Izzi 首播/ 25分钟 想看看过简介 暂无剧情简介 演职人员全部 James R. Menetrey饰: Adorable James & Jimbalaya Jamie Menetrey饰: Ms. Johanna Johanna Johanna Chris Izzi饰: Ms. Izzzi Izzzi Izzzi ...