M. FAUST News Contributing Reviewer
Vote up the plot holes in the ‘X-Men’ franchise that you can't help but notice. SPOILER WARNING FOR THE ENTIRE X-MEN FILM FRANCHISE While the X-Men film franchise is a lot of fun to watch, there are a vast number of plot holes in X-Men movies. Even after X-Men: Days of Fut...
Vote up the plot holes in The Dark Knight that are going to just ruin your next re-watch. The Dark Knight is one of the best comic book films ever made, which is saying a lot, given that comic book adaptations make up approximately 115% of modern cinema. Director Christopher Nol...
Plot Holes: What Happened to Dianne When She Left the Winchester?: With Lucy Davis. In the film, Dianne leaves the Winchester holding her boyfriend, David's, leg after he was eaten by the zombies. There was a lot of zombies, so we came to a conclusion sh
There is a backstory with the main character about stalking, but so much attention was paid to this that it insinuated it had something to do with Winnie and Piglet, when it did not. So why was it there? It felt like an empty add to the plot. There is also a story line added of...
Pls Put An End To The "Loud Breakup" Trend All Over My FYP Obsessed With The Staud Sardine Bag? I Have A Dupe For You How To Store Your Sex Toys Like A Fucking Adult Apparently, Jo From 'VPR' Low-Key Changed Her Name
Plot Holes: What Happened to Dianne When She Left the Winchester?(2004) 动画 短片 喜剧 恐怖 CCTV6官网视频平台 下载App 演职人员3 露西·戴... Lucy Davis 饰Dian... 编剧 西蒙·佩吉 埃德加·赖特 全体演职人员名单 相关推荐 戏杀 2024“新春... 飞驰人生2 冒牌特工 非诚勿扰3 姐,你好 ...
If you liked that video on all the plot holes and unanswered questions inThe Flash(and how to possibly explain and answer all of them), check out more of our videos below, including our spoiler reviewThe Flashand our attempt to pinpoint why the film faltered at the box office, all the...
Prison cells are stacked one on top of the other, with holes in the floor and ceiling. Randomly assigned levels change each month. And a platform of food gets slowly lowered from the very top, getting sparser and sparser with each floor it descends. This is the concept at the centre ...
Plot holes in any Marvel Studios film. Vote up those that are too glaring to ignore. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is booming at the box office and entertaining millions of moviegoers, but there are still several plot holes in Marvel movies. In trying to tie all the films together, Marvel...