歌词助手 以下是《The Hokey Pokey Shake》的完整歌词: text Hey everybody. It's time to do the Hokey Pokey! Make a BIIIIIG circle. Here we go. You put one hand in. (把一只手伸进来) You put one hand out. (一只手伸出去) You put one hand in. (把一只手伸进来) And you shake, sh...
大耳朵频道 - 最新最经典英文儿歌:The Hokey Pokey Shake(活泼动作歌)-含歌词 酷狗音乐 / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 最新最经典英文儿歌:The Hokey Pokey Shake(活泼动作歌)-含歌词 大耳朵频道 02:52Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多
以下是为⼤家整理的关于《英⽂⼉歌the hokey pokey中英⽂歌词》,供⼤家学习参考!中英歌词:You put your right hand in.你把右⼿放进去.You put your right hand out.你把右⼿拿出来.You put your right hand in.你把右⼿放进去.And you shake it all about.然后再摇⼀摇.You do the ...
The-Hokey-Pokey-Shake-歌词 Hieverybody.It'stimetodotheHokeyPokey! MakeaBIGcircle.Herewego!•YouputOnehandin.•YouputOnehandout.•YouputOnehandin.•Andyoushake,shake,shake,shake,shake.•YoudotheHokeyPokeyandturnaround ,Everybodyturnaround.•YouputTWOhandsin. •YouputTwohands...
1 The Hokey Pokey Shake (Sing It) 星级: 3 页 The Hokey Pokey儿歌歌词 星级: 2 页 hokey_pokey中英歌词 星级: 2 页 Hokey Pokey 星级: 1 页 the hokey pokey 变戏法 星级: 2 页 【精品】the hokey pokey课件 星级: 24 页 hokey pokey的英文简介 星级: 6 页 儿童英文歌曲The Hokey Po...
英文儿歌 - 114 The hokey pokey shake Hey everybody it's time to do the hokey pokey Make a biiiiig circle here we go You put one hand in You put one hand out You put one hand in And you shake shake shake shake shake You do the hokey pokey and turn around Everybody ...
You do the hokey pokey and clap your hands Everybody clap your hands You put one foot in You put one foot out You put one foot in And you shake shake shake shake You do the hokey pokey and sit down Everybody please sit down
• And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. • You do the Hokey Pokey and turn around , Everybody turn around. • You put TWO hands in. • You put Two hands out. • You put Two hands in. • And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the...