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英文片名:THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY 哈比人比爾博巴金斯(馬丁費曼 飾)過著安逸生活,忽然某天巫師甘道夫(伊恩麥克連 飾)造訪,找他加入由伊魯伯王國王子索林橡木盾(理查阿米塔格 飾)所率領的13名矮人遠征軍,為了從巨龍史矛革的魔爪中拯救出失落的孤山矮人王國。當他們進入兇險未卜的荒野時,並遭逢哥布林和半獸...
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies: Directed by Peter Jackson. With Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott. Bilbo Baggins and company are forced to engage in a war against an array of combatants and keep the Lonely Mountain from
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 預約看片 導演: 彼得傑克森 主演: 凱特布蘭琪 奧蘭多布魯 馬丁費里曼 伊恩麥克連 伊凡潔琳莉莉 班尼迪克康柏拜區 理查阿米塔格 艾登透納 年份:1040407 片長:144分鐘 分級:保護級 , 未滿 6 歲兒童不得觀賞
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies: Directed by Peter Jackson. With Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott. Bilbo Baggins and company are forced to engage in a war against an array of combatants and keep the Lonely Mountain from
Le jeu interactif LEGO The Hobbit permet aux joueurs de vivre leurs scènes préférées des films et suivre les aventures du Hobbit Bilbon Sacquet alors qu'il est recruté par Gandalf le magicien pour venir en aide à Thorïn Écu de chêne et sa compagnie de Nains. Publié par Warner ...
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies arrives onto Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack, Blu-ray Combo Pack, 2-Disc DVD Special Edition and Digital HD on March 24th from Warner Bros. Home EntertainmentPlot: (courtesy of Warner Bros. Home Video)...
While the second entry of the hobbit trilogy expands successfully upon the first movie, I believe it is not as strong of an entry as the first. The combination of the new characters and the storyline lost the first movie's sense of sincerity and playfulness that I enjoyed so much. While...
【熟肉】《霍比特人》三部曲难看的原因 The Hobbit Trilogy - Why It Sucks 41:07 【熟肉】MCU过度设计的超英制服 Marvel's OVERdesign Problem 10:40 【熟肉】你没见过的第一部X战警影视剧 The VERY Weird First X-Men Movie You Never Saw 08:05 【熟肉】一句话让观众为《地狱客栈》浪费四年 How To ...
霍比特人2:史矛革之战 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Page刘 评论霍比特人2:史矛革之战 2014-03-16 23:03:06 一直有《魔戒》情结的我,对第二部也不敢恭维,虽说整体还算保持精彩,但毕竟《霍比特人》的故事远没有《指环王》的宏大,可以说弱了太多,就是一堆矮人闯龙穴。编剧已把每集剧本写得...