The hobbit1 The hobbit2 The Fellowship of the Ring - Book 1 The Fellowship of the Ring - Book 2 The Two Towers - Book 3 The Two Towers - Book 4 The Return of the King - Book 5 The Return of the King - Book 6 The Quest of Erebor - Theatrical Audiobook Bonus: Creating the ...
CD 1: Songs and excerpts from "The Hobbit" and "The Fellowship of the Ring" read by J.R.R. Tolkien (49 minutes) 1. The Hobbit: Chapter 5: Riddles in the Dark (29:49) 2. The Fellowship of the Ring: Book I: Chapter I: A Long Expected Party - The Old Walking Song (0:17) ...
The Last Murder at the End of the World,by Stuart Turton: I hadn’t heard anything about this book and just found it randomly on my audiobook library app. This is a book that kind of defies and overlaps several different genres: dystopian, science fiction, murder mystery. I found it fa...
【全】霍比特人 | The Hobbit Full Audiobook By JRR Tolkien 9695播放 不速之客 An Unexpected Party 55:40 烤羊腿 Roast Mutton 30:43 短暂的休息 A Short Rest 18:15 越过山岭钻进山内 Over Hill and Under Hill 25:23 黑暗中的谜语 Riddles in the Dark 47:17 才出煎锅又入火坑 Out of the Fryi...
but this one is actually well done. The audiobook is 11 hours and 8 minutes long. If you’re looking to reliveThe Hobbit by JRR Tolkiendefinitely give the audiobook a shot, it’s superb. Also, makes you feel epic when you are driving, kind of like you are questing along with the ga...
The Hobbit is a must-have for anyone with an interest in fantasy fiction. Tolkien has become one of the staples of the genre, and The Hobbit was his debut work. The Hobbit audiobook keeps its readers on their toes with back-to-back action and enlightening dialogue; it manages the delicate...
The Hobbit 原著听读(Thearatical Audiblebook) 12.19万2894免费订阅 【Book_Nook】《霍比特人》读书小结 The Hobbit Chapter1 The Hobbit Chapter2 The Hobbit Chapter3 The Hobbit Chapter4 The Hobbit Chapter5 加载更多 精选用户评论 听友51712462 听矮人唱这首歌,觉得好悲伤好感动啊 回复 2022-076 按动式洁...
The Hobbit Audio Book Summary: Bilbo Baggins is what you would expect from a Hobbit. He likes nothing more than having a peaceful life right in his little home atop the hill. However, everything changes when Bilbo meets a wizard who tells him of a world full of adventure. These tales pl...