The Hivemind is a Secret Mount that resembles a jellyfish brain with tentacles. The Hivemind is one of the major secrets added in Battle for Azeroth, along withBaa'l, theWaist of TimeandJenafur. The Hivemindmount acts as a vehicle, allowing the last players you attuned with to join your ...
A new mount was added in 8.1, a super secret hidden mount. It has a unique spell effect. and
The Hivemind is a new secret mount that will become available with Tides of Vengeance. Check out the model and join the hunt on Tuesday! The Hivemind - The Hivemind A true union of minds. As with every major content update, its time for new secrets! Acco
The folks over at Warcraft Secrets are hard at work, with The Hivemind mount still eluding them. But that may not be the case for long, as some secrets have already been revealed and a whole lot of clues found. As a reminder, the mount is presumed to be
(Edit: this is the group I fell into when I multiboxed retail, I never had a hivemind mount so I never did PVP) ** The AH junkie** - These folks play the game normally in one window and run the AH in another. Currently this is the only sanctioned type of multiboxing as far as...
The peaceful lands of Pandaria are under siege from the mantid swarm once again. Squash Shek'zara's insectoid servants to foil the hivemind's plans. Mogu Assault (Vale of Eternal Blossoms)The warring clans of the Mogu over the Vale are surging to a breaking point, leaving devastation in ...
Lots of games feature explosions, but there is a difference between ordering a unit of soldiers to create that explosion from high above the battlefield and creating that explosion yourself then walking away from it without looking back. This section is for the latter kind. ...
The Hivemind is a WoW secret mount added in Patch 8.1 Tides of Vengeance. It can carry up to 5 Players, Each player adds a 10% movement-speed increase to the mount. Description: We will solve the The Hivemind puzzles and quests for your character. You will obtain this mount: The Hive...
Another we’d hoped might’ve landed in 2015 but sadly slipped further still. Perhaps that was wishful thinking, however Ubisoft bosses did suggest they were working with Beyond Good & Evil mastermind Michel Ansel at last year’s E3 conference. Hmm, is 2016 the year we return to Jade?
A new login screen briefly became visible on the PTR yesterday before Blizzard decided to revert the update. UPDATE: The login screen was actually an April Fools joke. Heroes of the Storm hasnt received a new content patch for a while now, and many playe