"SMTP server user", "type": "string", "multi": false, "required": false, "defaultValue": "user" }, { "name": "smtp_pwd", "description": "SMTP server password", "type": "string", "multi": false, "required": false, "defaultValue": "pwd" }, { "name": "thehive_url", "de...
直接命令行hive进入hive shell环境,然后执行show databases 报错如下: ERROR ql.Driver: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient b.第二种种情况 1.配置 hiv...
presto-grpc-testing-udf-server [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration Jan 27, 2025 presto-hana [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration Jan 27, 2025 presto-hdfs-core Avoid creating expensive Path objects in split creation code Feb 8, 2025 presto-hive-...
Removed registry hive recovery tool required for loading uplevel registry hives on Win 8 or earlier OS's. If you still have a need for this tool, copy in any prior version of the ADK can be used. Known Issues in ADK 10.1.26100.1 (May 2024) and Win PE ...
我们将节点1视为主节点,通过编辑/etc/thehive/application.conf文件来配置akka组件,如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ## Akka server akka{cluster.enable=on actor{provider=cluster}remote.artery{canonical{hostname="<My IP address>"port=2551}}# seed node list contains at least one active node ...
The default maximum connections to HiveServer are 200. When the number of connections exceeds 200, Beeline reports error "Failed to execute session hooks: over max connec
Process data using.NET for Spark allowing you to reuse your C# expertise and existing .NET code within a Spark application. Work with tables defined on files in the data lake, seamlessly consumed by either Spark or Hive. Use SQL with Spark to directly explore and analyze Parqu...
This node js application contains 2 api's that generate QR codes and Barcodes. Each APi is a post request and takes in a parameter of barcodeNumber and qrcodeText.Returned from each API is the base64 of a png image.PrerequisitiesIn order to use this connector you will need to obtain ...
distro/target/apache-atlas-<version>-bin.tar.gz distro/target/apache-atlas-<version>-hbase-hook.tar.gz distro/target/apache-atlas-<version>-hive-hook.tar.gz distro/target/apache-atlas-<version>-impala-hook.tar.gz distro/target/apache-atlas-<version>-kafka-hook.tar.gz distro/target/apache-...
出现:The server time zone value 'EDT' is unrecognized 原因: MySQL 和 Linux 时区设置不一致 1. hive初始化会访问本地时间 , 以及mysql 时间 ,时区设置不一样会初始化失败 我们先查看mysql 的时区,在mysql进去输入 show variables like '%time_zone%' ...