a bee in a hive, bred for producing honey.abeja ˈhoneycombnoun the mass formed by rows of wax cells in which bees store their honey.panal ˈhoneymoonnoun a holiday spent immediately after one's marriage.We went to London for our honeymoon;(also adjective) a honeymoon couple.luna de...
Ever since men first hunted for honeycomb in rocks and daubed pictures of it on cave walls, the honeybee has been seen as one of the wonders of nature: social, industrious, beautiful, terrifying. No other creature has inspired in humans an identification so passionate, persistent, or ...
As nouns the difference between honeycomb and beehive is that honeycomb is a structure of hexagonal cells made by bees primarily of wax, to hold their larvae and for storing the honey to feed the larvae and to feed themselves during winter while beehive
Wax is first processed into wax slabs, which are subsequently rolled first on smooth, then on engraved rollers with projections corresponding to the shapes of hive cell bottoms. Standard dimensions for artificial honeycomb sheets prepared by modern machines are 410 × 260 mm; 14 to 16 such ...
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废土经营爱好者福音-STEAM新品节-试玩-钢铁蜂巢IRONHIVE-类《冰汽时代》 04:12 [新游]洛夫克拉夫特风格的黑暗石器时代-STEAM新品节-试玩-TheTribeMustSurvive末夜部落 04:27 [新游]打败噩梦幸存者!-STEAM新品节-试玩-ParryNightmare弹飞噩梦 07:57 [新游]管理舰队保持警惕!-类《哥特舰队》《家园》-STEAM...
“Each hive has thousands of worker bees,” said Mrs. Dee. Dee夫人穿上一件特殊的衣服,以防蜂螫伤。然后当她打开蜂箱的时候,她用烟雾来驱赶蜜蜂。“每一个蜂巢都有成千上万的工蜂。”Dee夫人说。“And one very important queen bee.” “还有一只非常重要的蜂后。”“Does the queen bee wear a ...
Out came the honey and honeycomb – more and more of it until the 10-litre bucket was almost full. “There were still two more, but I was tired,” announced Naliki as he closed the hive and took off his hood with bees still buzzing around him. ...
In Beecember last year, I released a bee-themed management simulator called Hive Time. For this project, I was in a position to commit to pay-what-you-want pricing. Now that the game's been out for a while and its lifetime sales curve feels established..
Each hive needs only one queen, and her job is laving eggs. She can lay as many as 2.000 cggs a day.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。( ) The boe's nest is called a ___. A. drong B. honevcomb C. hive D. wax( )·Wax is used to make the ___. A. nest B. honeycomb C. fan ...