1.A 主旨大意题,根据标题The History of the Silk Road丝绸之路的历史,可知文章主要讲述的是丝绸之路,故选A.2.A 细节理解题,根据It was first traveled by Zhang Qian in the Han Dynasty.它最早是张骞在汉代出游的 ,可知丝绸之路是汉朝的张骞开创的,故选A.3.B 细节理解题,根据The Silk Road made a ...
5. The history of the Silk Road. 1.根据Inthepast...Itwasabout6,500kilometerslongandwentacross1/4oftheworld.可知,过去丝绸之路长约6500公里,横跨世界的四分之一。故正确答案为About6500kilometers.。2.根据TheSilkRoadgotitsnameinthe19thcenturybecauseChinesesilkwasfamous,andtraderscarriedittootherplacesalong...
英语课外阅读阅读材料摘要:vip考试与评价(英语高考专刊)J. Wuttke, The history of the Silk Road. J. Wuttke, Xi Jinping's Silk Road is under threat from one-way traffic. Financial Times [online], Available at: https://www.ft.com/content/61c08c22-3403-11e7-99bd-13beb0903fa3 (2017)...
It was once the most distant frontier city in the western region in the history of Chinese dynasties 这里曾经是中国历代王朝史上在西部地区建立最远的边陲城市 It is also an important town on the Silk Road 也是丝路上的重镇 Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦 "See you Monday!" “周一见!” Tajiks belong to t...
The Silk Road is not a place, but a journey, a route from the edges of the Mediterranean to the central plains of China, through high mountains and inhospitable deserts. For thousands of years its history has been a traveler’s history, of brief encounters in desert towns, snowbound passes...
What is the history of the Silk Road?相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 Extending 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometres), the Silk Road derived its name from thelucrative trade in Chinese silk carried out along its length, beginning during the HanDynasty...
In history, it was an important international trade route(贸易路)between Chin a and the Mediterranean Se a (中 ). The Silk Road began in the Western Han Dynasty and has a history of more than 2,000years.In the past, the road started in Chang'an(now Xi'an) and ended in Eastern ...
Echoes of History, Promises of Tomorrow 追寻丝绸之路:历史的回响,未来的承诺 Ⅰ Silk Road: A Path of Exchange Silk Road, also called Silk Route, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ...
2022-02-08 06:30:0001:545 所属专辑:慢速英语—科普知识(XIMI团专享) 主播XiMi团专享 音频列表 40.反垄断Anti-monopoly 4 2022-02 41.丝绸之路的历史History of the Silk Road 5 2022-02 42.短期租车创业Short-term car hire start-up 3 2022-02 ...
Fromtimeimmemorial,theSilkRoadhasbeenarouteoffriendlyintercoursebetweentheChineseandforeignpeople.Theoriginofthename Theoriginofthename Itwastheroad,whichtransferredthegoodsfromChinatotheWestandfirstofallthesilk,gavethenametothistraderoute.ThehistoryoftheSilkRoad ThehistoryoftheSilkRoad Chinawasthefirstcountryin...