(That is not all: these women, subjected to compulsory continence, require men to guard them who must necessarily be eunuchs; religion, jealousy, even reason cannot permit other men to approach them; these guards must be very numerous, both to maintain peace inside, amid the conflicts that th...
in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" and that "it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of [Muslims]."
(2) Smith published eight in all, some of which explored the history of New England. The ideas reflected in his works eventually become a basic principle of American history: the need of “workers” instead of “gentlemen” for the tough job of planting colonies and pushing the frontiers wes...
But sym-bols—as the history of our own and every otherage makes so abundantly clear—can also befatal. Consider, for example, the domain ofscience on the one hand, the domain of politicsand religion on the other. Thinking in termsof, and acting in response to, one set of sym-bols,...
Isaiah Berlin: the freedom of negativeness and positiveness 原中文译者:胡传胜 现英译者:西厢观史 ——— 编者按:以赛亚.柏林的这篇自由论,其中关于消极自由与积极自由的一种历史表现,尤其是消极自由的生发心理学,在今天看来,已然没什么新鲜感。但是正如这两种自由在现实生活中依然存在,依然无时不刻以它们的...
THE HISTORY OF RELIGION: PARTICULARLY OF THE Principal Denominations of CHRISTIANS, VIZ.selflove, reason
the history, if that precise principle, loose its vitality for its time of getting fortune has past , whereas the spirit continues to expand , then the national life would get back to the depression, and then we’ll see a certain of transition, through which it reaches to a higher level...
thedecline of religion, the loosening of morals, the liberation of literature fromdependence upon aristocratic patronage, the replacement of romanticism byrealism in fiction—and the economic interpretation of history. The outst...
History has justifiedthe Church in the belief that the masses of mankind desire a religion rich inmiracle, mystery, and myth. Some minor modifications have been allowed inritual, in ecclesiastical costume, and in episcopa...