The history of American dreams ; In the early centuries of our nation, where did minds wander at night? By Andrew BursteinBurstein, Andrew
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. 我不缅怀过去的历史,而致力于未来的梦想。…
64. “I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past.”– Thomas Jefferson 65. “Keep away from people who try to belittle yourambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”– Mark Twain 66. “A man m...
作者:Peter Høeg 出版社:Farrar,Straus and Giroux 出版时间:1995-00-00 印刷时间:2008-00-00 页数:408 ISBN:9780312428013 ,购买The History of Danish Dreams【丹麦梦史/丹麦之梦,彼得·霍格,英文原版】等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
梦的历史 Dreams through History 纵观历史,人类一直在试图解释梦的意义。奇妙的梦中景象引人入胜,丰富的象征含义显而易见,从古至今的人都在研究梦,借此洞察现实的生活,并为未来提供线索。 人类最早的古文明认为,上天通过梦传达神谕。公元前4000年末的亚述和巴比伦,留下了刻有楔形文字的泥板,上面记载着祭司和国王...
2.The history of individual dreams To solve the question above, what can’t be neglected is that the difficulties and unrealization of American Dream are rooted in the history of America. The following historical tracks and figures tell us the variation and the profound historical causes of the...
, and may come from human thoughts.The ancient Greeks created one of the most significant books about dreams that have ever been written.Oneirocritica(Interpretation of Dreams), was written by Artemidorus in ancient Greece; today, this book is the basis for many contemporary books about dreams...
I like the dreams of the future better than history of the past! 对于回忆过去,我更喜欢憧憬未来!--托马斯•杰斐逊 …
定主干:第一:第一个分句中可以把A history of long and effortless success当作整体的主语。如果要细入再分析,那就是a history of success作主语,意思是“一段成功的历史”,而long and effortless作为success的前置定语,整个主语的意思就是“一段长期且毫不费力的成功的历史”。第二:a dreadful handicap作宾语,意...
The Shadowland of Dreams原文和翻译The Shadowland of Dreams 梦想的阴暗之面 Many people cherish the fond dream of becoming a writer but not many are able to see their dream come true. Alex Haley also wanted to be a writer and he succeeded. Read the following for reasons of his success. ...