To introduce the long history of the Benin to be built in Nigeria, which could mean that some of the bronzes will B. To show the number of the Benin bronzes.return home. C. To bring up the topic of the Benin bronzes.The Benin bronzes were made for the oba(kings) of...
It states that the restitution of bronzes in Benin are reserved in American collections. It cites the ethical and moral considerations of a debate on restitution and the history of the Benin Kingdom.EBSCO_AspJournal of Art Technology & Intellectual Property Law...
While several distinct ethnic groups have inhabited what is today Liberia for at least 1,000 years, no large kingdoms found further east along the West African coast, such as Dahomey, Asante, or theBenin Empirearose there. Early History Histories of Liberia generally begin with the arrival of ...
1.After all, the golden age of Arab civilization ended in the 13th century.要知道,阿拉伯文明的黄金时代在13世纪就已终结。2.Built in the 13th century, it clings to a sheer rock-face high up above a mountain stream, among evergreen forests.苏密拉的修道院建于13世纪,修筑在一条山...
In the case of the Benin bronzes, for example, questions can be asked about the actions of local leaders, as well as the European powers. 以贝宁青铜器为例,我们可以对当地领导人以及欧洲列强的行为提出质疑。 So how can museums display their artefacts to reflect this complex history. 那么博物馆...
The Benin Empire was a monarchy in a small part of what is now southwestern Nigeria. In its time, it went through its golden ages and its declines, but it was ultimately destroyed by the brutal British punitive expedition that burnt down the city of Benin, the capital of this small Empire...
Is the ancient tribe of Apache communal or hierarchical? Where did the Aleut tribe live? Are the federal states of Micronesia part of the Polynesian Triangle? Are all Northwest tribes Salish? How did the Benin Empire record history? Is New Zealand Polynesian?
Ancient Africans were pioneers of early civilization,(4) whichcan be proved with the evidence that early African s societies excelled in 1 fields such as s engineering,mathematics,writing even navigation. Some great African civilizations such as the Great Benin Empire,Ancient Egypt,had a highly(5...
Traditionally spoken by the Ijo people in southern Nigeria, the Ijaw languages are a branch of the Niger-Congo language group. • Edo – 2 million speakers. Also called Bini, Edo is spoken in Edo State. Its use dates back to Igodomigodo, which later became the Benin Empire. • ...
There will be rain in northern andwesternparts of the United Kingdom. Similarly, you don't talk about 'west Europe' or 'west France'. SaywesternEurope orwesternFrance. They were studying the history ofwesternEurope. She was born inwesternAustralia. ...