The great man’s word is like the elephant’s tusk [i.e. not to be concealed or withdrawn] —Hindu saying Long words, like long beards, are often the badge of charlatans —F. L. Lucas Pithy sentences are like sharp nails which force the truth upon our memories —Denis Diderot ...
Janet Smith Warfield The concept of piercing the veil of illusion comes primarily from Hinduism. The word the Hindus use to refer to what they call the illusion of duality is “maya.’ The word “maya” is derived from Sanskrit roots. “Ma” means “not” and “ya” means “that.” In...
Hindu preachers exist among several ethnicities, nationalities, and countries. The lists below focus on free spiritual media available to anyone with internet. Below, “Education” refers to educating the audience on texts and mantras, while “Activities “ refer to worship or community activities....
Col. Gopinath's Blog: An active member of the above community, Col. Gopinath also writes his own blog about the Hindu Crossword. He publishes the solutions around 8.30am everyday. A specialty of his blog is the links he provides for word meanings. Very helpful if you're building on you...
Laghima: लघिमा – A Sanskrit word meaning "absence of weight".[17] Lekshe: ལེགས་བཤད – Tibetan for "elegant description"[18] or "teaching".[9][6] Matangi: मातङ्गी (Sanskrit) – Refers to the Hindu goddess of arts and wisdom.[19...
thesameorsimilarwordsasisexpected.Forinstance,weChinese吹牛,buttheEnglishtalk_horse_. 16.ToChinesepeopleandEnglishpeople,“bear”hasquitedifferentfigurativemeanings.ToChinesepeople “bear”means“cowardlyandtimid”or“stupid”,suchas笨熊,瞧那熊样,etc.However,inEnglish,peopleuse“bear”torefertothosehavingsp...
And if you *don’t* mean that, please stop saying,There but for the grace of god go Iand other, equally so-not-comforting “comfort phrases” without thinking about the meanings and implications behind those clichés. * * * Department Of Speaking Of The DMV…. ...
1.symbolic representation, esp. the conventional meanings attached to an image. 2.subject matter in the visual arts, esp. with reference to the conventions of treating a subject in artistic representation. 3.the study or analysis of subject matter and its meaning in the visual arts; iconology....
"Contested Meanings: India's National Identity, Hindu Nationalism, and the Politics of Anxiety." Daedalus, 122, no. 3 (1993): 227-261.VARSHNEY, A., 1993, "Contested Meanings: India's National Identity, Hindu Nationalism and the Politics of Anxiety", Daedalus, 122, 3, 227-261....
Derived from the Latin integer, the English word integrity has three distinct, established meanings. In its most common usage, integrity is synonymous with honesty, incorruptibility, and fidelity to a set of principles and values. It is another word for character. But integrity can also refer ...