Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia, is devoted to educating the public about all aspects of Hinduism ranging from history and philosophy to current events that impact Hindus.
AstroPedia shows Nakshatras of the day based on Hindu Panchang for countries across the world. Check hora and happenings of your day based on daily online panchang.
OnlinePanchang and Hindu Calendarfor the world Tweet Follow 23, Magha Shukla Paksha, Ashtami 2081 Pingala, Vikrama Samvata Nanjing, China 05 February 2025 Wednesday Masik Durgashtami,Bhishma Ashtami Switch to Amanta Hide Chart Modern Theme
OnlinePanchang and Hindu Calendarfor the world Tweet Follow 07, Magha Krishna Paksha, Saptami 2081 Pingala, Vikrama Samvata Beijing, China 21 January 2025 Tuesday Vivekananda Jayanti *Samvat,Kalashtami,Masik Krishna Janmashtami Switch to Amanta ...
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Giving Human Rights Commissions more teeth (The Hindu) Mains Paper 2:Polity Prelims level: Human Rights Commissions Mains level:Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies Context: The purpose of the Act was to establish an institutional framework that could effectively protect, pro...
The Hindu religion requires one member of each village called “Puret” or “or “or “Dhami” or “Lama”, to be assigned to perform these social ritual practices and festive events. Literally, these members are a “ritual leader,” but traditionally they were used to specify an informal ...
Business News Today: Read latest breaking headlines for Business news, Financial news, Stock/Share market & Indian Economy news & updates on Businessline.
Coyne’s“Biology is Not Bigoty,”,as per his intro which I’ve excerpted here, was written in part to address issues raised and opinions expressed in a previousFFRF Freethought Nowarticle: “In the Freethought Now article‘What is a woman?’,author Kat Grant struggles at length to define...
"India can scarcely be taken seriously as a 'democratic counterweight' to China...as it itself transforms into a brutally exclusionary Hindu-supremacist state" run by "bigots dedicated to destroying all that made it." It's not just India's current leader that comes under attack. Indeed, Mod...