Written by acclaimed storytellers Jimmy Palmiotti () and Justin Gray () with shocking art by John Higgins (Judge Dredd, ), this is mutant mayhem as you've never seen it before.Justin GrayPoetry
预览播放中,打开优酷APP看高清完整版 隔山有眼2 The Hills Have Eyes Part II (1984)1 +追 超清画质 评论 收藏 下载 分享 选集 16:06 【怀旧向】不朽的E3神教 在2020年搭建一台能够畅玩各种新老游戏的“时光机” 2022-10-10 01:23 疯狂愚蠢的爱,到底如何疯狂下去,不懂不去想知道,春节影视好看指南 2022...
你们还敢去抢该死的空军物资 You folks have to go rob a goddamn Air Force PX for God's sakes. 我们饿了 We're hungry. 没人会再来这里了 No one comes through back there anymore. 你搞到了什么? What did you get? 威士忌和电台 没搞到吃的 Whiskey and radios. I ain't got nothing to ...
这篇影评可能有剧透 话说在隔山有眼2006版里,有一家人被所谓“辐射感染异变人”虐杀平民百姓跟半兽人PK的话当然损失惨重于是在隔山有眼2里,登场的是一帮训练中的美国大兵很奇怪的是1剧情结束后政府并没有封锁这个地方并大范围的搜捕而是派了3个科学家过去这片山区研究并放置热感应装置虽说这也说得过去,但是为什么...
隔山有眼 The Hills Have Eyes电影,核实验让附近一个村庄的人们遭受到了可怕的核辐射,但旅行中发生的种种摩擦却时时考验着这个家庭,本希望借此次旅行增进家庭成员之间的感情,他们遭受到了一群怪物的袭击,带着家人开车做一次穿越国境的公路长途旅行,原来此处附近曾有一个废弃
The Hills Have Eyes: Directed by Wes Craven. With John Steadman, Janus Blythe, Peter Locke, Russ Grieve. On the way to California, a family has the misfortune to have their car break down in an area closed to the public, and inhabited by violent savages
在昨天的凌晨大约也是这个时候,我还看了一部恐怖片叫《隔山有眼》(The Hills Have Eyes),说到这部片的中文翻译,还是有问题,《隔山有眼》显然不是贴切的翻译,如果要按字面来翻译的话,《山中有眼》算是比较适合。说来,两部片的来头都真的不小,真的很不小。《人皮客栈》是一名在电影圈里混了好久的Eli Roth...
The Hills Have Eyesis a 1977 exploitation film made by Wes Craven that was inspired by the story of the Sawney Bean Clan.The original cutof the film was far more violent and graphic than the final product, but the MPAA wouldn't give it an R rating until some of these scenes were tone...
The Hills Have Eyes: Directed by Alexandre Aja. With Maxime Giffard, Michael Bailey Smith, Tom Bower, Ted Levine. A traveling family falls victim to a group of mutated cannibals in a desert far away from civilization.
The Hills Have Eyes storyline. While traveling in a trailer through the desert to California, retired detective Big Bob Carter stops in an isolated gas station with his family.