1869. A collection of verse from Whittier, American Quaker poet and reformer. He was a pioneer in regional literature as well as a crusader for many humanitarian causes and was a self-declared abolitionist. Contents: Among the Hills; Miscellaneous Poems: The Clear Vision; The Dole of Jarl Tho...
《The Waste Land, Prufrock and Other Poems (Dover Thrift Editions)》的原文摘录按热度排序 按页码排序 有人愿意建造圣殿,有人情愿圣殿还是不建为好。在先知尼希米的时代,总体的规则没有例外。在书珊城的宫中,在尼散月建,他在亚达薛西王面前摆酒;他为那毁坏的耶路撒冷城发愁;王恩准他告假离开,好去重建圣城。
Amanda Gorman gained international fame when she read her poem ‘The Hill We Climb’ at the 2021 inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden. A poet and activist whose star has continued to rise, she is known for works that address Black identity, feminism,
Amanda Gorman's inaugural poem "The Hill We Climb" has been restricted at a school in Florida, drawing criticism from Gorman herself. Gorman, who made history as the youngest known inaugural poet after performing at President Joe Biden's inauguration, said in a Twitter post Tuesday that she...
摘抄自The Waste Land and Other Poems 让我们走吧 下一步, 你和我, 当夜晚在天空中弥漫散开; 让我们走吧, 穿过这条半是废弃的街道, 嘀咕的喧嚣逐渐褪去 在廉价旅馆里的不眠之夜 以及有着牡蛎壳的锯末搭成的餐馆: 像跟着一段冗长的争议的的街道 ...
译诗选The Temple and Other Poems标题页 翻检韦利的译诗选时,有一个比较强烈的印象:韦利对中国诗歌传统的认同感比较强,他有时候会以译诗选中的一首作为该诗选的名称,The Temple and Other Poems就是如此,他选了其中的一首诗The Temple。 认真读完这首诗之后,从白居易诗集中可以看出韦利这里翻译了白居易的诗《...
2. Climb a hill with Amanda Gorman Young poet Amanda Gorman took the world by storm when she read her poem “The Hill We Climb” at President Biden’s inauguration. Kids can really relate to her and her words, so try this roundup of poetry activities to introduce her in your classroom....
And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Thrilled me— filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating “’Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door— ...
Over time, Santa has gradually gained companions, introduced through poems, stories, and pictures.随着时间的推移,圣诞老人逐渐有了同伴,通过诗歌、故事和图片进行介绍。Depicting each in new ways, adding to Santa's story.以新的方式描绘每一个,丰富圣诞老人的故事。The elves that help him make his ...
"JasonFriedandDavidHanssonfollowtheirownadviceinREWORK,layingbarethesurprisingphilosophiesatthec... 8.7 正在爆发的互联网革命 短短20年里,互联网经历了门户网站和Web2.0时代的重大变革,如今已经迈入社会化网络时代。新一轮的互联网革命即将爆发,而其影响已经开始……本书详细介绍了SNS(社会化网络)的起源和理论模...