蓝钥匙(与学校招生处密切合作的学生组织,负责带未来学生参观学校等),纪律委员会,Ed Techies(技术方面),企业家俱乐部,福音合唱团,年鉴,国际学生协会,“Mirage”(学校文学杂志),模拟联合国,学生会,学少活动,技术发明俱乐部等。 体育活动 Soccer 足球 Field Hockey 曲棍球 Cross Country 越野 Volleyball 排球 Ice Hockey...
联系邮箱:admission@thehill.org 招生电话:(610) 326-1000 体育项目 Golf高尔夫球 Field Hockey曲棍球 Football橄榄球 Basketball篮球 Tennis网球 Baseball棒球 Swimming游泳 Softball垒球 Squash壁球 Crew赛艇 Lacrosse长曲棍球 Diving跳水 Wrestling摔角 Soccer足球 Track and Field田径 Ice Hockey冰上曲棍球 Cross Country...
The Hill School建立于1851年,是一所高教育质量的男女混合学校。学校教学严谨,课程强调批判性思考及写作为学生提供了杰出的艺术教育课程,为学生将来考取美国著名大学以及将来事业的成功打下良好的基础。学校课程强调批评性思维及写作。学校对学生的期望是:有领导能力,有责任心以及谦恭有礼。Pottstown(波茨敦市)全年气温...
5,Hill 的人文课程非常强,开设拉丁和希腊语课程,人文学和古典学是绝对的亮点。同时Strategic World Languages | The Hill School项目为学生提供系统的学习中文/阿拉伯语/法语/西语的机会,尤其是中文和阿拉伯语,很少有其他学校开设,Hill认为...
The official National Hockey League website including news, rosters, stats, schedules, teams, and video.
“I’ve seen his girlfriend playing hockey and she’s vicious. You don’t want her hockey-stick mucking around with your balls.” Ali instinctively crossed his legs. “What was the worst you got, Ali?” enquired Liam. “You know I went to school in Scotland, so I never got caned. ...
“I’ve seen his girlfriend playing hockey and she’s vicious. You don’t want her hockey-stick mucking around with your balls.” Ali instinctively crossed his legs. “What was the worst you got, Ali?” enquired Liam. “You know I went to school in Scotland, so I never got caned. ...
See also:hockey,horse play tonsil hockey slangTo kiss very amorously, with mouths open and tongues touching.There's this area behind the school where lots of couples go to play tonsil hockey.I went to see a movie with Tom and his girlfriend, but they just played tonsil hockey through the...
The sophomore center continued the outstanding start to his high school career with 22 goals and 8 assists, giving him 46-15--61 in two seasons. He will play varsity baseball, and hopes to play Division 1 college hockey. Will MacNeil Catholic Memorial | Senior MacNeil was named Offensive Pl...
Field Hockey Football Individual Tennis (DI) - Men Individual Tennis (DI) - Women Individual Tennis (DI) MMenWWomen Soccer - Men Soccer - Women Soccer MMenWWomen Volleyball - Women Water Polo - Men Winter Basketball - Men Basketball - Women Basketball MMenWWomen Bowling Fencing Gymnastics...