1.the journey of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution A.D. 622: regarded as the beginning of the Muslim Era. 2.the Muslim Era itself. [1840–50; < Arabichijrahflight, departure] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005...
Hegira (Hijrah) Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to Medina (622). [Islamic Hist.:EB, V: 39–40] See:Escape Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Al Hijrah Al Madinah al-Qur'an Arabia Arabian Peninsula book branch Hedjaz hegira Hejaz hejira Hijaz Hijra Kasbah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Koran Mecca Medina epoch Muhammad References in periodicals archive ? Most of the pilgrims will then head to Madinah - the city of the Prophet Muhammad (pea...
HHijrah HAcknowledgement of Receipt(Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) HHecto HHecto-(10^3, SI Prefix) HHalf-Word HMetro Montreal(postal code designation, Canada) HWinchester Repeating Arms Company(headstamp for rim-fire cartridges) HHyperphoria(condition of one eye being higher than the other...
Lessons from the Prophet’s Hijrah The significance of Hijrah (the migration of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to Madinah) is not limited to the Islamic history or to the Muslims. The Hijrah not only reshaped – socially and politically – the Arab Peninsula, but also had its impact...
In 622, Muhammad and his followers left Makkah on a journey known as thehijrah(HEEJ-rah). Yathrib was renamed Madinah (also spelledMedina), short for “City of the Prophet.” The year of the hijrah later became the first year of the Muslim calendar. ...
of the 2nd Caliph ‘Umar. There is however evidence that the choosing of the Hijrah as the point of departure of the Islamic calendar occurs already in the lifetime of the Prophet [SAW]. Documents that have been preserved in history , point to the fact that the Hijrah was used...
All of the Prophet's ghazwat, bu'uth and saraya[1] occurred after the hijrah, within a span of ten years. There were either twenty-seven ghazwat, or twenty-five, or twenty-nine. The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam had to fight in nine battles, Badr, 'Uhud, Al-Khandaq, Quray...
The act of hijrah the Prophet (S) used as an example of this Hadith is wonderful- remember that we start the Islamic calendar from the year of the Hijrah. And what is a Hijrah? It is an action of moving from one place to another. It is an active walk on a literal road. ...
The Hijrah (Flight to Yathrib) 622 AD Turning point in Muhammad’s life Marks Year #1 on the Islamic Calendar Muhammad became leader, converted many City renamed “Medina” Medina means the city of the Prophet Muhammad’s Victory Bedouins joined Muhammad in war against Mecca 630 AD: Muhammad...