Based on the true events that led to the eventual deaths of Bonnie and Clyde, The Highwaymen follows the lawmen who led the investigation. Screenplay writer John Fusco had plenty to work with from the real-life accounts of the men who were involved with hunting the notorious couple down. ...
The '70s cars seen in the movie are most definitely drool-worthy. Sutherland's character drives a Maserati Ghilbi Spyder, and O'neill's character sports a Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona. Both cars are driven to perfection, which makes for some satisfying scenes for car lovers. Highwaymen We kno...
Overall, The Highwaymen is a satisfying crime drama that takes a unique perspective on the Bonnie and Clyde story. It is a slow-burning film that rewards patience and attention, and it is boosted by the excellent performances of its leads. The film is definitely worth checking out for fans ...
Ignoring Penn’s movie (which is doubly hard as we never really see Bonnie and Clyde for most of this film, allowing us to pictureWarren BeattyandFaye Dunawayin our minds), “The Highwaymen” could have been a solid procedural, a film that offers the factual counterpoint to a myth. There...
The Highwaymen recorded a song called "Highwayman" for an album calledHighwaymen. Yeah, it's confusing but it all stemmed from a Jimmy Webb song that got passed around before this supergroup ofJohnny Cash,Glen Campbell,Waylon JenningsandKris Kristoffersonformed. In 1985, it was a No. 1 ...
The Highwaymen 251 votes As a supergroup comprised of four legendary musicians, this ensemble left an indelible mark on both country music and popular culture during their brief time together. Their unique blend of outlaw country, traditional sounds, and poetic storytelling resonated with fans who ap...
The screenplay by Hans Bauer - even the Anaconda (1997) - and Craig Mitchell - Highwaymen (2004) - is an accumulation of endless predictable situations, poorly developing situations, and very frustrating to try to create a climate of suspenseful need to work. The script had everything to happ...
But then Carol notes that the self-proclaimed Highwaymen haven’t threatened the Kingdom with death, just inconvenience, and maybe they can be reasoned with. See full article at Indiewire Television 3/11/2019 by Jeff Stone Indiewire Television...
The original French title,Adams, refers to Cecil Adams, the world’s greatest movie star. Adams is everything a studio and a worldful of moviegoers could ask for: handsome, dashing, funny, heroic, romantic, debonair and homespun. Whatever the part demands. He has just finished his latest...
414. The HighwaymenYou may think that Bonnie and Clyde were a pair of sexy, morally ambiguous counterculture types thumbing their nose at John Q. Law and polite society, but that’s only because you’ve been brainwashed by Arthur Penn’s anti-Establishment propaganda film from 1967. At least...