The Highwayman : PART ONE I THE wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas, The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor, And the highwayman came riding— Riding—riding— The highwayman came riding,...
The highwayman in the poem is unnamed. He’s actually a robber who stopped and robbed people on the highway. The entire poem tells a story of this highway robber who fell in love with an innkeeper’s daughter known as Bess. He usually visits the lady at the inn. After his visit one...
'The Highwayman' is a rhyming ballad telling of the romance, death and ghostly return of a gallant highwayman and a landlord's beautiful daughter Bess, idealised outsiders against the state. Betrayed by Tim, a jealous stableman, Bess sacrifices herself f
The Highwayman “TheHighwayman” and Its Lessons for the Modern World It is a common perception in the world that love is very dangerous. This philosophy is one of the greatest themes in thepoem‚ “TheHighwayman” by Alfred Noyes. In thispoem‚ thehighwayman‚ a robber on the roads...
"The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes is a classic favorite-a poem that tells a good story with powerful imagery and a rhythmic cadence reminiscent of horses' hooves. The story tells of the highwayman's visit to see the beautiful Bess at the old inn (probably the Spaniard's Inn on Hampstead ...
She made me forget what century I lived in, that I was ashamed I was young, when she was old, and well, where she was sick, so when we opened up our books one day I read THE HIGHWAYMAN and I was he. She made me forget that he dies. I read...
“TheHighwayman”byAlfredNoyes ComprehensionCheck 1.Describethetwomaincharactersofthepoem. A)___ ___ ___ B)___
The Highwayman's Footsteps豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:"The novel gallops along at a cracking pace, packed full of plot twisters." — THE HERALD (UK) "I felt cold metal on the side of my skull before I heard the voice. I knew at once what it was. A pist
What Is The Mood Of The Poem The Highwayman This gives us a powerful visual image, and builds drama and tension. The ballad relies on the scary intensity of the night time and a dark old inn-yard scene to keep the reader riveted. The scene is portrayed with a spooky vibe, as the wor...
Report this poem READ THIS POEM IN OTHER LANGUAGES This poem has not been translated into any other language yet. I would like to translate this poem Poems By Alfred Noyes A Song Of Sherwood The Highwayman The Admiral's Ghost A Prayer In Time Of War ...