Description:“A podcast hosted by Anna Sale about the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation.” Additional Thoughts:“Anna Sale is a bomb interviewer who finds lots of fascinating people to talk to and who has introduced me to a ton of artists and perf...
an unremarkable man enters a town and seemingly meets someone at random. They shake hands, exchange some pleasantries, and next thing the Salesman is leading the person away to exchange their life's savings for some odd, yet useless, trinket. ...
MAP ID FREEWAY LOCATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION % COMP ESTIMATEDCOMPLETION 1 LOOP 410 NORTH to FM 3009 Add two elevated express lanes in each direction plus HOV lanes(Details) 52% Late 2027 2 LOOP 410 NORTH to LOOP 410 SOUTH Add two elevated express lanes in each direction plus HOV lanes(De...
Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling V3I3 A potions teacher at the Invisible College who held a personal grudge against the Antichrist. He was killed during the massacre at Hogwarts. The character bears little resemblance to his literary description but the dialogue clearly indicates this to be Severus...
"Now appearing before the court, the notorious and infamous pirate, pillager, and highwayman, Captain Jack Sparrow!" ―Bailiff[src]A thief who robs travelers on a road. History"So, whoever possesses the heart of Davy Jones...commands Davy Jones.""And with that—the Flying Dutchman.""You ...
TxDOT briefly considered an extension of the route south to I‑35, but that appears to have been short-lived, and such an extension is not part of the route's approved description. There were also preliminary discussions of continuing the route around Camp Bullis and east to I‑35 near...
The Highwayman 5L79 8801+ non-20th series Hooperman 5J 6X 01+ Second Chance/Boys Will Be Boys ??* Leg Work 5G 79/01+ Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis 5T79 TVM Feb. 88* Anything but Love 5Y 6Y 01+; #X (see below) Have Faith 5R 79/01+ Sister Kate 5Z 01+ Alien...
A highwayman, con artist, and all-around cheerful villain, Rob Brooks is no stranger to the wrong side of the law or the right side of anybody’s bed. He never meant to fall for the woman whose secrets he promised to keep for the low price of five hundred pounds, but how could he...
If any one of the three had had the hardihood to propose to another to walk on a little ahead into the mist and darkness, he would have put himself in a fair way of getting shot instantly as a highwayman. The last burst carried the mail to the summit of the hill. The horses ...
Then, at the end of twelve pretty productive miles of marching, we reach our first stop, The Highwayman. Does “eating house” just sound strange to you too? Is it because it’s so literal? Dating back to the 16th century (or so it says on their website), the Highwayman has a tr...