Key Meanings (Reversed): Insecurity, infertility, lack of confidence or growth, overbearing tendencies, a rupture in peace, disharmony, disrupting the serenity, negligence, no progress, smothering, not moving forward, lack of family support The Empress Tarot card description Also known as the mother...
If these be written beneath each other, the middle verse bring reversed, i.e. as in English, and divisions are then made vertically, 72 tri-lateral names are formed, the sum of which is Tetragrammaton; this is the great and mysterious Divided Name; by adding the terminations Yod He, ...
What might make it even better is to separate your one sentence into two or three sentences, to add tension. Maybe something like: “Seventeen year old Marline Miller, a cancer survivor, fought cancer for twelve years. Now she is facing her one and only year of high school, as a ...
The heresy was born here, in the Keep, where the daughters of Crota first began their experiments with Nightmares. It was here their priestess asked the question that her sisters would not: If Oryx cannot be resurrected, can he be remade?
Reversed, it indicates an inability to see the wood for the trees, or being overly attentive to details or rules, or too critical, absorbed, or failing to read the right signals. It can also question present knowledge and whether it is up to date. ...
Finally – are we there yet? Or is it a rocky road still? What changes would you like to see in the next 50 years, both here and in India? Yes, we have certainly made a lot of progress and we should celebrate all of that with pride. The ...
You are one of My chosen people, a royal priestess, who belongs to Me, the King of the universe (1 Peter 2:9a). Like all My children, you are precious and honored in My sight because I love you (Isaiah 43:4). “You are under-qualified? All the better for My purposes! My G....
First of all, I said, there was that greatest of all lies in high places, which the poet told about Uranus, and which was a bad lie too,—I mean what Hesiod says that Uranus did, and how Cronus retaliated on him. The doings of Cronus, and the sufferings which in turn his son inf...
Yet endure the smiling portrait he could not; and obeying an irresistible nameless impulse, he rose, and without unhanging it, reversed the picture on the wall. This brought to sight the defaced and dusty back, with some wrinkled, tattered paper over the joints, which had become loosened ...
What might make it even better is to separate your one sentence into two or three sentences, to add tension. Maybe something like: “Seventeen year old Marline Miller, a cancer survivor, fought cancer for twelve years. Now she is facing her one and only year of high school, as a ...