1.2023年2月7日托福考试,本场阅读总体难度中等偏上,包括加试在内个别题目题材较偏。据不完全统计至少考察了7篇文章。本场考试中收录到5篇是旧题重考。因为通常每次考试阅读涉及3套试卷,每套3-4篇,旧题重考的比例实际相当高。比如第3篇Distribution of Seaweeds《海藻的分...
Paragraph2:For much of the early Middle Ages, peasants continued the Roman practice of dividing their fields in two leaving one fallow, or uncultivated, for a year, and planting their crops in the other half. Fallow land restored its nutrients, but the practice meant that half the land produ...
[托福备考]托福考试时间和费用地点2024托福录播课程托福直播课程托福1对1辅导 [0元讲座] 💯0元公开课🎧托福正价课免费试听🎯托福入门课程 新东方在线托福网为大家带来新托福阅读解析:Towns in the High Middle Ages一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。 以上就是新东方在线托福网为你带来的新托福阅读解析:Towns in...
Paragraph1:For 500 years after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 A.D., a period known as the early Middle Ages, Europe endured an age of political instability, economic decline, and reduced population. But as the millennium approached, the situation began to improve. Toward the e...
托福阅读真题第167篇EuropeintheHighMiddleAges(答案文章最后) Europe in the High Middle Ages Paragraph 1:For 500 years after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 A.D., a period known as the early Middle Ages, Europe endured an age of political instability, economic decline, and reduced...
are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. During the High Middle Ages (A.D. 1000-1300), Europe underwent a commercial ...
阅读篇章 The peasants preparing the fieldsfor the winter with a harrow and sowing for the winter grain,from The Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry, c.1410 Towns in the High Middle Ages(16年9月11日和19年1月26日题,中世纪欧洲主要是农业社会,城镇的特点有:人口密度大;劳动分工;以市场贸易为...
High Middle Ages 中世纪鼎盛时期 One remarkable aspect of this change was that the commercial classes constituted a small part of the total population—never more than 10 percent. They exercised an influence far in excess of their numbers. The commercial revolution created a great deal of new weal...