7. To furnish with a surface or cover of a different material: bronze that is faced with gold foil. 8. To line or trim the edge of, especially with contrasting material: face a hem with lace. 9. To treat the surface of so as to smooth. v.intr. 1. To be turned or placed with...
because I know that I easily fall victim to never thinking of them again, so this dress hung in it's unfinished glory directly across from my bed, mocking me every morning upon waking until I finally jerry-rigged the facing, took the required 4 inches off the hem, sewed on the lace se...
fly in the face of or fly in the teeth of : to stand or act forthrightly or brazenly in defiance or contradiction of His explanation flies in the face of the evidence. on the fly 1 : in motion : busy 2 : while still in the air : without the ball bouncing the home run ...
Potage of Beans Boiled Curye on Inglysch p.77 Original: “For to make a potage fene boiles, take wite benes and sep hem in water, & bray ye benys in a mortar al to nought; & bray yem sepe in almond myke & do perin wyn & hony, & sepreysouns in wyn & do yerto & after ...
3.(Knitting & Sewing) (tr) to make (a garment, etc) by sewing [Old Englishsēowan;related to Old Norsesӯja,Gothicsiujan,Old High Germansiuwen,Latinsuereto sew, Sanskritsīvjatihe sews] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers ...
Her cape on the hook is dripping a puddle on to the floor and there is a circle of drips around her skirt hem. She is totally absorbed in her piano music as she was on the beach. BAINES watches. Her long white neck, now wet from rain, proves irresistible. He comes across the room...
How, if accosted in some squalid lane, a humped, and crippled, hideous girl should have snatched his garment's hem, with—"Save me, Pierre—love me, own me, brother; I am thy sister!"—Ah, if man where wholly made in heaven, why catch we hell-glimpses? Why in the noblest marble...
to her little grey ripple of hem as she draws it across the green lawn of the otherworld field. My shy one, I also confess–in the night, when your eyes had been weeping, my own eyes were steeled for the first hostile ray from the huge angry planet, the one that’s been burning ...
Robert Herrick confessed that he was "bewitched" by a glimpse of his lover's underwear. Thus, some of the world's best poets seem to agree that lust is a force beyond our ability to resist!My religion consists of your body's curves and crevasses.—attributed to Sappho, loose translation...
‘When a young man is found gruesomely murdered in a London houseboat, it triggers questions about three women who knew him. Laura is the troubled one-night-stand last seen in the victim’s home. Carla is his grief-stricken aunt, already mourning the recent death of yet another family mem...