stratosphere Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia strat·o·sphere (străt′ə-sfîr′) n. 1.The region of the atmosphere above the troposphere and below the mesosphere. 2.An extremely high or the highest point or degree on a ranked scale:business expenses in the stratosph...
Noctilucent clouds, the highest clouds on Earth, had been observed in portions of the Northern Hemisphere last month in Canada. 夜光云是地球大气层中最高的云,上月在北半球的加拿大境内,人们观测到了这一罕见的“云种”。 The word almost sounds like it is from space, and indeed, noctilucent clouds...
C. Strmer, of Oslo, made a preliminary announcement in NATURE of photographic observations by himself and his assistants upon the height and colour-distribution of some clouds at a remarkably great height in the atmosphere nearly over Oslo.He has now issued a detailed account of this work,and...
marred by a superficial and far from accurate handling of scientific facts and hypotheses, and both suffer from that adjectival rash which infests so many works of popular science- hazardous risks, intrepid explorers, unknown regions, entrancing story, astounding information, tremendous height and so ...
the edge of the stratosphere. Call the value of g at the surface of the earth as g0.Plotting height on the x axis(your independent variable),plot the ratio g/g0on the y-axis. By how much does g vary from the surface of t...
The assumption that the lower stratosphere is close to radiative equilibrium leads to an easily computed relationship between tropospheric lapse rate and tropopause height. This relationship was found to hold well in the GCM in the extratropics away from the winter pole. Possible reasons for the ...
stratosphere (ˈstrætəˌsfɪə) n (Physical Geography) the atmospheric layer lying between the troposphere and the mesosphere, in which temperature generally increases with height stratospheric,ˌstratoˈsphericaladj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
This isthe height ofthespace racebetween the U.S. and theSoviet Union. This is when we're saying to ourselves, oh my gosh, the Russians, they've got a satellite into orbit. Oh my gosh, they've got the first human into orbit. They're sending dogs, they're sending everything they...
4.Above the troposphere to a height of about 50 miles is a zone called the stratosphere (高温层). The stratosphere is separated from the troposphere by a zone of uniform. temperatures called the tropopause (对流层顶). Within the lower portions of the stratosphere is a layer of ozone (臭氧...
A model is presented in which transport rates through the lower stratosphere change in association with the height of the tropopause. The ozone distribution and column density are computed as the tropopause rises beyond its present position. Two distinct effects are noted. First, the total ozone ...