Hebrew פטריון[17]Pitrion Diminutive of פטרייה (pitriya, "mushroom") The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! טואוד[?]Towd Transliteration of the international name Icelandic Sveppir[18] Mushroom The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Indonesian Toad[19]...
Cohen’s repetition of the word “hineni,” Hebrew for “here I am,” is one of the record’s most chilling moments—his humble surrender to a greater power. You Want It Darker is full of these concessions: he sings of relinquishing life, love, and libido throughout its sparse yet ric...
During the entirety of her career, she has released 200 albums and singles in more than twelve different languages. Some of the languages include Greek, French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Hebrew, and many more. Getty Images Photo by David Warner Ellis/Redferns She ...
HIAS:HebrewImmigrantAidSociety,犹太移hearts;民hearts;援助协会 你叔叔啊亲爱的-我们不能联hearts;系hearts;HIAS Youruncle,dear.-WecancontactHIAS. 你认为在一个憎恨犹太人的国家里犹太组织会有任何权力吗 DoyouthinkaJewishorganizationhasanypowerinacountrythathatesJews? 天啊你天真了 MyGod,yourenaive. 我不是天...
He also is reported to have written “a fascinating article about Israel’s nuclear secrets in last week’s Hebrew Haaretz supplement.”) Ha’aretz reports that Raz is “fully aware of the fact that the ‘smoking gun’ won’t be found in the papers in the State Archives, because if ...