6666, Health, Health Alert, Health Awareness, Heartless, Heartless Beings, Heartless Clones, Hero-Enemy Agenda, Hero-Enemy Consciousness, Hero-Enemy Mind Control, Hero-Enemy Psyops, Hidden Agendas, Hidden Dangers, Hillary Clinton, How to Identify a Narcissist, Human Sacrifice, Human Slavery, ...
Twenty years ago, when Ghysbrecht Van Swieten was a hard and honest man, the touchstone opportunity came to him, and he did an act of heartless roguery. It seemed a safe one. It had hitherto proved a safe one, though he had never felt safe. To-day he had seen youth, enterprise, ...
Under all of those glorious muscles and chiseled cheekbones and searing glares beats the heart of a heartless devil。I could no sooner fall in love with a guy who treats me like a kid, and judges me at every opportunity, and sets an army of garden gnomes loose on my yard, than I ...
Beyond that honorable cause, thenewest release of coCommentalso makes the first step towards seemlessly making the rest of the web conversational, one page at a time. The true usefullness of this might not become apparent until our next release :-) Thenew Firefox extensiondoes a beautiful job...
5-10% market share is all Apple will ever need! As long as Apple's market share is below 5%, Apple needs to fight for more. But if Apple's market share would ever go up to or above 10%, it would be a sign that Apple is spreading itself to thin and that it should concentrate ...
When that is done by the wrong person in the wrong context (in this case, a politician talking to his constituents), it is not perceived as wit but as heartless mockery. Used in the right spirit, however, coinages punning on Corona, a popular branded pale lager produced in Mexico, have...
Volume III of the Report of the ICRC, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the “aid given to the Jewish section of the free population” and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps but remained, subjec...
I would contend that the lack of knowledge here on the part of the narration does not signify acceptance of or tolerance towards the difference of the other, as it perhaps did initially, so much as a heartless justification for theft. Because it is known that we were thinking that we did...
> Late in the Night by Heartless Bastards > House Rules > Everyone is an exception. Let's try and catch each other. > Finish your Beer > Zweites Eichhorn 2011 by michelo-ud > I believe I know what is true, but I know I don't know what is real. > O Freedom by Billy Brag...
Abstract: The Mycelium Model of Glocal Governance is a governance structure that is parallel to the existing governance structures in the world. It does not aim to replace them. It is complementary to them. It has, however, the inherent power to transform them or to bring about new structures...