The heart for us is just like the (1)___ for a car. If the engine is broken, the car can not work; similarly, without heart beating, a person can not live.In our body, (2)___systemconveys blood through vessels to and from all parts of the body, carrying nutrients and (3)...
The heart and the blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) of the circulatory system go through the entire body to provide the cells with the nutrients and oxygen they need. What Are Parts of the Circulatory System? There are many parts of the circulatory system which all work togethe...
Describe the structural adaptations of the mammalian heart to its functions. What is the role of the cardiovascular system and why it is important? What are the primary functions of the respiratory system? Explain the structure and function of the parts of the respir...
carries blood from the legs, feet, and organs in the abdomen and pelvis. The vena cava is the largest vein in the body. left aorta aorta is the large artery that carries oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle of the heart to other parts of the body. left atrium receives the now ox...
What is the function of the heart? At which valve does the aorta connect to the heart? a) What are the characteristics, shape and overall composition of the 4 main tissue types in the heart? b) How do specific characteristics/structures contribute to and...
I spent far too much time anticipating and thinking about her, which resulted in tension in my own body—my heart rate would increase, and my neck and shoulders would tighten. I decided to change. I knew I could not change her; however, I could change my reactivity and perspective....
‘abdominal belly’ breathing may be simple, yet not easy. Breathing is a dynamic process that involves the diaphragm, abdominal, pelvic floor and intercostal muscles that can include synchronizing the functions of the heart and lungs and may result in cardio-respiratory synchrony or coupling, as ...
The heart has two sides: the left side and the right side. Each side of the heart is divided into two parts producing 4 chambers. The upper chambers are called the atriums and the lower chambers are the ventricle. The heart not only has four chambers but also has four valves. ...
The heart normally functions on the ascending limb of the Frank-Starling relationship. So there is an enough cardiac reserve. There is no drop limb, indicating the difference from skeletal muscle. The high tension resists further extending of the sareomere---connectin or titin Mechanism: The in...
The heart is an important organ of circulation, function is to pump blood to all parts of the body. [ ] A.which B.whose C.of it D.what