Henry Ford Hospital is the sole provider of cardiac surgical services for the Health Alliance Plan, a health maintenance organization (HMO) that presently serves 450,000 enrollees.To determine the effect of managed care referral patterns on the outcome of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery...
The article reports that employees enrolled in consumer-directed health plans often do not have a choice when it comes to their health care coverage, according to national study released by the Center for Studying Health System Change in the U.S. The study showed that employers offering retiree...
Disenroll or make changes: If you decide to switch from your current Medicare Advantage plan to a new plan, contact your current plan provider to disenroll. They will guide you through the disenrollment process and provide any necessary forms or instructions. If you wish to drop your Medicare...
Survivor Benefit plan: This plan provides a portion of a military retiree’s pay to surviving dependents, including spouses and children. Enrollment in the plan usually takes place at retirement, according to Marcus Miller, a certified financial planner at Mainstay Capital in Jacksonville, Flor...
When evaluating your personal health needs during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), there are several key factors to consider that might prompt a change in your Medicare coverage. Whether it’s adjusting your prescription drug coverage, finding a plan with a more suitable provider network, or ...
Another type is a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), which lets you go to physicians and hospitals that aren’t in its network. You’re more likely to owe a plan premium than with an HMO and you’ll pay extra for out-of-network providers. But you won’t need a referral to see ...
To examine differences in health care services utilization between children who are enrolled in the Child Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) and uninsured children and between children before and during their enrollment period in CHIP. Methods. Denver County CHIP enrollment data from 1998 through 2000 were...
health insurance- insurance against loss due to ill health insurance- promise of reimbursement in the case of loss; paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company hospitalization insurance,hospitalization- insurance that pays all or part...
Medicare Provider Enrollment Updates CMS is proposing adding providers and suppliers that are reactivating their Medicare billing privileges to the categories of new providers and suppliers subject to additional oversight. “They’re talking about additional oversight for [new] providers and [those] reacti...
ENROLLMENT PROCESS If you intend to be enrolled in the student health insurance plan, you must submit an enrollment form to ensure your enrollment will be processed before coverage begins in August. To expedite the processing of your enrollment in the SHIP you must submit the online enrollment fo...