The study further identified the impact of socio-demographic factors including gender, place of upbringing, religious affiliation, and perceived financial status on the mental health and resilience of Cambodian college students. Significant predictors influencing depression, anxiety, and stress were ...
1 The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a newage of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smart phones and connectivity 24 hoursa day. 1 大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。现在随着手提...
So this message, that good, closerelationships are good for our health and well-being, this is wisdom that s asold as the hills. Why is this so hard to get and so easy to ignore? Well, we rehuman. 所以请记住,幸福和睦的婚姻对健康是有利的,这是永恒的真理。但为什么我们总是办不到呢?
College is a formative time, and students are developing their sense of identity and habits. If they learn to prioritize health and well-being during this time, those habits can carry over into their adult lives. In conclusion, college students should prioritize their health to succeed ...
dishonest phenomena on campus, and comment on the causes and consequences of each phenomenon. Second, ask students to explore the reasons why cheating is common at college. Third, ask students to discuss some well-known scandals in academia. Finally, let them think about what teachers and ...
Many older adults spend their final years with disability, chronic conditions, and psychological vulnerabilities (depression, decreased wellbeing) [2,3]. Health challenges are especially prominent among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups [4], highlighting the importance of reaching individuals with ...
Yes, health insurance from the parents is something I didn't calculate into my cost of college, as well as parent's money in general. Even if some students don't get an allowance, parents often pay for car insurance, cell phone bills, taxes and things like that. These are ...
Be Well isThe Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine’scomprehensive and integrated health and well-being initiative for students, staff, and faculty. Included in the initiative is MINDSTRONG, an evidence-based cognitive behavioral skill program piloted to first-year veterinary students in...
Working a part-time job in college can jump-start students' careers, but they should find a balance with schoolwork.
More than 90,000 Finnish students completed a well-being survey during a period of 10 years and interesting results were discovered by Anne Konu.Anne Konu, a university lecturer and, Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health, is a docent of Social and Health Policy ...