Shortfuse/Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) Shortfuse/And God Created Woman (1988) Shortfuse/Androcles and the Lion (1952) Shortfuse/Andy Panda Shortfuse/Andy Pandy Shortfuse/Angel's Egg (1985) Shortfuse/Angel's Friends Shortfuse/Angela Anaconda Shortfuse/Angelina Ballerina Shortfu...
Jaws, Cujo, and Anaconda are some of the scariest movies that have creature features, and this adventure into the South African wilderness is no exception. Dr. Nate Samuels (Idris Elba) has recently lost his wife and is hoping to reconnect with his two daughters by taking them to where he...
With despair solidly established, author Angela McAllister moves on to the solution. Among the foxes’ stolen loot, the hens discover a box of gold forks. “TREASURE!” gasps a hen named Bluff – though it will becomes a prop in their ruse. But McAllister also accomplishes something else ...
Stars: Angela O'Neill, Wendy Martel, Pamela Ross, Nicole Rio, John C. RussellHave you ever seen Halloween? So have these guys. Nice production values, but, released in 1986, Sorority House Massacre was too late to the party of slasher knock-offs. Seriously, John Carpenter could sue. 42...