The Haunting of Hell House: Directed by Mitch Marcus. With Michael York, Andrew Bowen, Jason Cottle, Claudia Christian. A mysterious, morbid professor who has suffered a number of horrid events in his life tries to help a young troubled man, whose girl f
当导演简·德·邦特得知杰克逊的小说《The Haunting of Hill House》将被改编成现代版电影时,还没看到剧本的他就表现出了浓厚兴趣,当他看过大卫·塞尔夫(David Self)改编的剧本后,他的兴趣很快变为兴奋,他说:“原著极具想象力,而大卫·塞尔夫完成的现代版剧本堪称绝佳的演绎。我一直非常喜欢《驱魔人》和《天魔...
The Haunting: Directed by Jan de Bont. With Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Owen Wilson, Lili Taylor. Dr Marrow enlists Theo, Luke and Nell for a study of sleep disorders at the Hill House. As soon as the terrifying truth about the mansion is revealed
The newer version "The Haunting" had a good story line. But I was mostly impressed with the House itself. It was enormous, and spooky, but the architecture was fabulous! I would like to get the floor plans to this one. November 07, 2004 ...
The Haunting Release Date: July 23, 1999 Dark and forbidding, Hill House sits alone. It was built 130 years ago by textile baron Hugh Crain for his wife and the children they would never have. Instead it was filled with stories of tragedy which over time turned into ominous tales of ...
Flanagan执导的美剧《鬼入侵》虽精彩纷呈,却不应被称为The Haunting of Hill House的现代改编版,因为除搬用个别设定和人名外,其余大相径庭,可以说是两个彼此独立的故事。《鬼入侵》胜在其层层推进又不失完备性的叙事结构,其音乐制作又对情感渲染有着锦上添花之效,堪称商业影视制作的典范。也因此,它在母题选择上...
鬼屋真相 The Haunting of Hell House评价人数不足 90 分钟 / 恐怖 / 惊悚 / Mitch Marcus(导演) / 1999-11-16 上映 豆瓣成员常用的标签 恐怖 恐怖片 惊悚 吸血鬼 悬疑 诡异 哥特 灵异 以下豆列推荐 鬼屋真相 【已有资源】thc ccccc h2 怪品味,小众科幻恐怖片 世界恐怖科幻惊悚奇幻喜剧冒险影视大全 ...
作者:Shirley Jackson/F. Andrew Leslie 出版社:Dramatists Play Service 副标题:A Drama of Suspense in Three Acts 出版年:1998-1 页数:78 定价:USD 7.50 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780822205043 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单
Overall an excellent film with a flaw that just pisses me off. I’d rank it after Wise’s THE HAUNTING, but ahead of THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE. I prefer POLTERGEIST and Koepp’s A STIR OF ECHOES. But man... I tell you... if this is the least of the Haunted films we have......
The Haunting of Hill House豆瓣评分:7.7 简介:Four seekers have arrived at the rambling old pile known as Hill House: Dr. Montague, an occult scholar looking for solid evidence of psychic phenomena; Theodora, his lovely and lighthearted assistant