Marvel's Ant-Man introduces viewers to the unassuming hero, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), who gains the ability to shrink in size while retaining his full strength. The movie combines humor with action, making it suitable for tweens seeking a lighthearted superhero tale. Released: 20...
Also ranks #14 on The 50+ Best Sports Romance Movies 24 The Secret Garden Agnieszka Holland 318 votes Adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic fairy tale, "The Secret Garden." Mary Lennox (Kate Maberly) is an orphan sent to live with her uncle at his mansion that is full of...
Why You Should Watch:While not full-blown,The Illusionisthas enough gothic romance elements to put it on the list! However, you should watch this tale of magic and romantic mystery because the movie is incredible and will keep you glued to your seat from start to finish. Content Note:PG-1...
In a way, it's the success of cartoon like this that are to blame for the existence of stuff like The Haunted Mansion.But that's just the pessimist in me. Helpful•5 4 CuriosityKilledShawn Jun 17, 2004 Permalink 10/10 a classic mickey mouse cartoon This was made in the golden ...
As usual, I have tried to glean all of the mystery and crime movies that the Turner Classic Movies channel will be showing during the month – in this case, January 2025. There are two things that stand out for me: one is a four movie-run of Alfred Hitchcock mystery movies and the ...
How do you follow up a perfect movie? It’s a question that’s haunted "The Matrix" franchise since the Wachowskis changed sci-fi action cinema forever in 1999. And it’s one that explicitly sits at the heart of this long-awaited fourth installment ... This is a surprisingly playful, ...
Session 221 - DnD 5e - Dirt and Dice - Plunged into the fun house depths of Lord Hossbinger's Estate, The Strangers have been brought to full strength, only to contend with rude surprises and risky business. Mark Kinney plays "Crothu" the half-Orc Monk, Nikki plays Argante, a Human ...
ScummVM includes a language option for Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, The Dig, The Curse of Monkey Island, Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken Sword. Note that with the exception of Beneath a Steel Sky, Broken Sword, multilanguage versions of Goblins games and Nippon Safes Inc., using this op...
We're actually talking about three of the films from this genre today. Though they're all in the same genre, all three are very different. We start with Black Cat Mansion from 1958, move on to A Haunted Turkish Bathhouse from 1975, and finish off with House from 1977. Come and get ...
When eerie occurrences start taking place in an isolated mansion where a woman and her two photosensitive children reside, tension gradually builds to a fever pitch in this psychological horror masterpiece. What starts as subtle disturbances eventually escalate into a full-blown mystery that keep...