Helen Ward''s retelling of this classic tale includes an appendix listing all the animals featured and their various speed records. It is a follow up to her book King of the Birds, which was nominated for the Carnegie/Kate Greenaway Award.' 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评...
The Hare and the Tortoise 龟兔赛跑 重述故事绘本 2001国家艺术图书奖 锡制森林同作者 英文原版 进口原版广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: 4.4 中 售后服务: 4.5 中 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 The...
他们说相声theTHE的叫声the世界口语the和and是不是the评书the南音小伴龙儿歌THEthe口语Nate the Great青春The日记 77 the tortoise and the hare 西瓜读书时光4.17万 F-77The Tortoise and the Hare FunFunZoe23 实战听力-The Hare And The tortoise 口语魔术师MONSTER3.27万 实战听力原声-The Hare And The tortois...
The Hare and the Tortoise 作者:Helen Ward 出版社:Templar Publishing 出版年:2000-3-1 页数:40 定价:USD 10.35 ISBN:9781840110142 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
绘本故事《The Hare and the Tortoise龟兔赛跑》- 适合 小学用书 绘本《The Hare and the Tortoise龟兔赛跑》, 绘本内容
《The hare and the tortoise》 * hare 兔子;野兔 * tortoise 乌龟 * race 比赛 * Bigger doesn't always mean better. 更大并不意味会更好。 *a head start 先起跑 * slow coach 真慢! *had time to ... 有时间(做)... * snooze 打盹 ...
But everyone hoped the Tortoise would win. After all, he was the kindest animal. 但每个人都希望乌龟能赢。毕竟,他是最善良的动物。 Soon, the Hare and the Tortoise were at the START line. 很快,兔子和乌龟就到了起跑线上。 The Fro...
现货 英文原版进口 牛津精品认知绘本 The Hare and the Tortoise 兔子和乌龟 进口原版书籍 英文版广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 5.0 高 物流履约: 4.8 高 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 现货...
绘本《The Hare and the Tortoise》,Usborne Publishing 绘本内容 The classic fable retold with simple text for children just beginning to read. Harry Hare thinks he is the fastest runner around, and when he suggests a race, nobody expects Tom Tortoise to even take up the challenge, let alone ...
《The Hare and the Tortoise (龟兔赛跑)》,作者:The Hare and the Tortoise (龟兔赛跑)James,Bean,&,Gillian,Flaherty 著著,出版社:上海教育出版社,ISBN:9787544479837。l “一书两用”:既是英文课本剧剧本又是英文故事绘本。 l 外籍专业作者为国内学生