And when he came out of the warren in the early morning sunshine, and there saw the shadow cast by his long and pointed ears, a terrible fright seized him. "Goodby, neighbor Cricket," he called. "I'm off. He will certainly make out that my ears are horns, no matter what I say....
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The Lion, being badly hurt by the horns of a goat, swore in a great rage that every animal with horns should be banished1 from his kingdom. A silly Hare, seeing the shadow of his ears, was in great fear lest they should be taken for horns, and scampered2 away....
Level 3: the Horse and the Lion 552017-07 2 Level 3: the Hare with Long Ears 602017-07 3 Level 3: the Dog and the Crocodile 472017-07 4 Level 3: the Birds and the Monkeys 422017-07 5 Level 2: the Mouse and the Frog 532017-07 6 Level 2: the Lion and the Clever Fox 372017-...
The Hare And His Ears 兔与其耳 by Aesop 出自《伊索寓言》 The Lion had been badly hurt by the horns of a Goat, which he was eating. He was very angry to think that any animal that he chose for a meal, should be so brazen as to wear such dangerous things as horns to scratch him...
tortoise can’t even leave his door!”“Rabbit,rabbit,don’t be too proud,let’s race now!”“What?What?Tortoise,what did you say?”“Hare is so proud,let’s race now!”“Ah?Tortoise,you’re really up for racing ...
Japanese Hare has reddish brown eyes and a pair of white-lined brown rabbit ears at the top of her head. She has a hairstyle that is trimmed round the back of her head, has thick fringes at each side and a ponytail tied at the back. Her hair is in acorn beige, with a thick brown...
The only relief poor Pinocchio had was to yawn; and he certainly did yawn, such a big yawn that his mouth stretched out to the tips of his ears. Soon he became dizzy and faint. He wept and wailed to himself: "The Talking Cricket was right. It was wrong of me to disobey Father ...
Yash quickly got his glasses fixed, but his experience change d his life. He realized that there were probably many kids arou nd the world that didn't have proper glasses to help them lear n in school. So, he made a study of it and found out that 13 mi llion children around the ...
格林童话故事第77篇:祖父和孙子The old man and his grandson 引导语:《祖父和孙子》是格林童话故事集里的一个故事,下面是小编整理的中英文版本,与大家分享阅读学习。 从前有个很老很老的老人,眼睛花,耳朵也背,双膝还不住地发抖。每当他坐在餐桌前吃饭时,汤匙也握不稳,常常把菜汤撒在桌布上,汤还会从嘴边流...