ThegothiccathedralsitsintheheartoftheinnercityanditisthetallestchurchinAustria.这座哥特式大教堂坐落在市中心,是奥地利最高的教堂。Ibasicallyhavetocranemynecktoseethespires!我基本上要仰起脖子才能看到尖顶!Let'scontinuewithalittlebitofawalkingtourofthecity, totakeinsomemoreoftheamazingarchitecturalhighlights...
Habsburg- a royal German family that provided rulers for several European states and wore the crown of the Holy Roman Empire from 1440 to 1806 Hapsburg dynasty- a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family royal family,royal house,royal line,royalty- royal persons collectively; "the wedding...
(first and foremost, in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and part of lower Austria) of a large-scale landlord entrepreneurial economy based on the corvée labor of enserfed peasants; the economic and political strengthening of the great nobility, which was connected with the Hapsburgs; the growth of ...
As far as the diplomatic relationships between the House of Austria and the Ottoman Empire are concerned, the period between 1545 and 1550 was marked by ample negotiations regarding the "Hungarian inheritance". Until the Hapsburg-Ottoman peace was signed in the summer ...
(a member of the Hapsburg family of Austria) thought the Revolution had gone too far. She made plans for the royal family’s escape to the Austrian Netherlands, where Louis could work with other European monarchs on plans to crush the Revolution. The Flight of the Royal Family Louis ...
From antiquity to the Renaissance, rulers of Western empires inspired hero worship by proclaiming their divine origins. This book focuses on the importance of the Roman emperor's mythic image for the development of Western political thought.DOI...
Such then was the condition of Belgium until the peace of Utrecht (1713), which followed by that of Rastatt put an end to the long and bloody wars of the Spanish Succession which gave Spain to the Bourbons and handed over the Catholic Low Countries to the Hapsburgs of Austria. It ...
During the struggle against the Hapsburgs that developed in the mid-13th century, the forest cantons in August 1291 formed a perpetual alliance, which laid the foundation of the Swiss Confederation as a de facto independent state within the Holy Roman Empire; on August 1, Independence Day, the...
Austria, by contrast, was losing its political importance (especially after theAusgleichin 1867, when it was left as a dual monarchy) and was becoming resigned to remain on the fringes of the industrialization process. From the intellectual standpoint, the economic culture of the Central European ...