《迪奥的世界》原名《The Hands Resist Him》,是美国画家Bill Stoneham 于1972年创作的作品。画中的小男孩和小女孩都很诡异的站在窗户前。这幅画让人觉得不寒而栗的点在于小女孩不是人,是玩偶,眼睛虽然是睁开的,却因为没有眼珠留下一个大大的黑洞。小男孩,仔细看也看不到眼睛,他们身后的窗户上有很多双手...
经过努力翻查,竞投胜出的画廊终於找到这幅油画的原作者,一名叫Bill Stoneham的老人。 Stoneham承认油画是自己在1974年画下的作品,作品真正名称叫The Hands Resist Him。Stoneham说当初是受到妻子写的一首诗所启发(也就是开首那一段),而照片中的男孩其实是画家本身。 他在画画时参照了一张居民在芝加哥贫民窟时拍下...
《The Hands Resist Him》中文译名《抗拒他的手》,这样的一幅画作,他在出售之前,就已有了恐怖的传言:“这幅画受到了诅咒,拥有它的人会离奇死亡。”然而前来购买这幅画作的人仍络绎不绝,而事实上,它的几次易主确实是由于前任主人的去世,这也让一切变得更加诡异和神秘。关于这幅画有了多个版本的传言:有...
Stoneham came forward with what inspired him to paint such a haunting scene. The boy, he said, was himself. It was modeled on a photograph taken when he was five. The title comes from a poem written by his then-wife. It reads, in part, “The hands - resist him, like the secret ...
“The Hands Resist Him” is said to be responsible for the deaths of three men who were close to the painting at the time of its first sale. The first was Henry Seldis in 1978, the art critic who wrote a review of Stoneham’s work at his debut art show in 1974. According to auth...
Carl stood and placed his hands on his head although it was obvious he would have liked to continue rubbing. I walked round him, belt still in hand admiring my handiwork. To my surprise he sported a fully erect cock. I stood in front of him and held the belt which had just furiously...
He was holding his hat in his hands and his hair seemed thin over his massive skull. He looked older, more shrunken than when Bonasera had seen him at the wedding, but he still radiated power. Holding his hat against his chest, he said to Bonasera, "Well, old friend, are you ready ...
him to the bathroom where an elderly woman eventually walks in on them. There are countless scenes here that just work and most of it is due to the wonderful direction by Metzger who would not only helm this porn movie but countless mainstream flicks including the 1978 remake of THE CAT ...