Costumed in the retro style of Jacqueline Kennedy, and voiced by the male co-writer of the show, Doc Hammer, the clash between her hyperfeminine aesthetic and decidedly masculine aural presence has made Dr. Girlfriend one of the show’s most popular characters, and a favorite character for ...
Additionally, they are named "the Mad Hammer Brothers", which might reference the enemies from Super Mario Bros. Being villains, they might be more modeled after Wario and Waluigi, especially since the red brother's moustache has a zig-zag look like Wario's. In the episode "Sibling ...
When All You Have Is a Hammer: Deconstructed. When pushed into a situation he can't talk his way out of, he resorts to his Nudge Gun to wipe someone's memories of the conversation. He uses it so frequently on Thunderclash that the gun runs out of charge making it useless against Ript...
hammer hamose hamous hamper hamuli hamzah hamzas hanaps hances handax handed hander handle hangar hanged hanger hangis hangul hangup haniwa hanjar hanked hanker hankie hansas hansel hanses hansom hanted hantle haoles haomas happed happen hapten hapter haptic hapuka hapuku harams harass harbor ...
All Deserts Have Cacti: Hammerfell. Well, other than some places that are desert-like but aren't what wethinkof deserts. All Myths Are True: All myths in Tamriel's tradition, that is. All Trolls Are Different: Huge, hairy three-eyed simians thatregenerateremarkably quickly. ...
”, the slowdown occurs for Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road,” but there is another disjunct moment introducing “WAP;” and changes in tempo lead into “Uptown Funk” and “Shake It Off,” so the cumulative effect is of separating the songs into discrete sections rather than feeling like ...
I’ve been having major life issues and its really hard to sit down and hammer out a blog post when my brain can only focus on one thing. But I thought about maybe talking about a shower thought I had the other day. Usually my shower thoughts are much stupider. Like “damn, my ...
Like a sledgehammer. Right between the eyes. Ah, if only. I want her heart. Fuck. So, they’re in love now, I guess. Whee. My Impression So Far:The more this book goes on, the more it reads like a reskin ofFifty Shades of Greybut with a different type of kidnapper and somePo...
I did a little sanity check and found a typical hammer blow has a pressure of very roughly 1 GPa so that checks out. Taking everyone’s favorite PV=nRT, which means (pressure*volume) = amount_of_stuff_in_moles*gas_constant*temperature, we can move variables around to get the temperature...
Anyway, those are just my two cents. Maybe I’m attributing too much weight to the Eel’s actions. As we know, she has all the subtlety of a sledge hammer. |